View Full Version : New here - just been diagnosed

05-24-2012, 12:51 PM
Hi all - I'm Russell and this morning I was prescribed 80mg beta blockers and 20mg citalopram for anxiety symptoms although I've never had a full-on panic attack I do experience clammy hands, racing heart, dizziness etc.

Just joining for a bit of support and to talk to people who understand.


05-24-2012, 01:14 PM
Hi Russ, eventually get off the meds...you can work through the anxiety and feel better...meds mask the anxiety


Tomasz Kopec
05-24-2012, 02:19 PM
Beta blocker should calm down your physical symptoms (clammy hands, racing heart, dizziness...) pretty quickly. Once your body stops producing flight or fight response your mind should follow.

05-24-2012, 02:44 PM
oh you will have to let me know how u feel on beta blockers,i would never take them when they told me to take them but because i have low bp anyway they are supposed to lower bp so was scared of side effect x

05-25-2012, 01:59 AM
hey mate, for sure try the beta blockers for now, but as j2005 said, they will only mask the symptoms. Try taking a more natural approach - it'll work better in the long run. Have a read of a few of the articles around this forum and you'll find heaps of things like breathing techniques and which foods to eat/not eat.

05-25-2012, 02:16 AM
I find beta blockers really helpful. Since I started taking them (80mg propranonol a day) i haven't had any issues with a racing heart and had no negative side effects. While anxiety remains it is so nice not to have to feel my heart race all the time and it also makes it easier for me to learn relaxation techniques as my body generally feels calmer. I actually wish I had been prescribed them years ago and not had to suffer with the panic that came along with a rapid heart rate. Luckyb is right though, they only mask the symptoms so getting help from a counsellor or psych is also a must.

05-25-2012, 03:20 PM
I will definitely seek to learn more natural ways to cope with my anxiety. I have been referred to a councillor so just a case of waiting now for the first appointment. I have. It's only day two on the beta blockers and I'm still getting some of he symptoms though no hand tremors which is good. Still blood rushing to my head, light headed and heart rhythm fast at times. I'm having quite a hard time with this anxiety and my boss told me yesterday that if I keep having time off he'll have to let me go. I can't let that happen so hopefully things start looking up - I just want to get well :-)