View Full Version : fast heartbeat

05-24-2012, 03:55 AM
does anybody have trouble when there heart goes fast to slow it down,i am 7 months pregnant and was just doing stuff in the house and started feeling my heart race so started getting abit anxious but not much then i noticed my stomach was tight,i got in my car but it just doesnt seem to be slowing down much and i am getting waves of anxiety helpppp need advice before i go crazy

05-24-2012, 05:34 AM
most of us here have experienced extremely fast heart rates due to anxiety. Is this anxiety or is this something else due to the pregnancy? Hey your pregnant, why not go check it out and make sure you are all good.

05-24-2012, 06:38 AM
Hi - do you have anxiety? Were you diagnosed before pregnancy? Regardless, you should run this by your dr. If nothing else for peace of mind.
I have anxiety and when I was pregnant I would have episodes like you're having. It was a horrible feeling. The dr always chalked it up to anxiety but he also explained that this can happen during pregnancy due to all of the hormonal fluctuations.

05-24-2012, 07:27 AM
Well i suffered anxiety before pregnant and had heart scans stress test 24 hr tapes all came back clear,had an episode in work the other month and had ecg 24 hr tape all clear just tachi, but my heart is goin faster alot recently but i know my tests are normal but how can i relax when it is goin fast u naturally think you are goin to collapse how can your heart cope?the peace of mind off other people helps

05-24-2012, 08:13 AM
Try some relaxation music and deep breathing. Will your heart to slow down and most importantly, don't buy into the panic!!

05-24-2012, 10:00 AM
Its just today especially when from seated and stand up walk around i can feel it goin fast so now i cant settle because that anxious thought in my head wont go thinking there is something up x

05-24-2012, 01:39 PM
It's so HARD to relax when your heart is pounding. I know I have been there. Have you checked your heart rate? It might not be as fast as you think. Sometimes when it's pounding it just feels fast. For reassurance I would speak with your dr especially since you're pregnant.
Remember, the heart is a muscle and it can sustain a lot.