View Full Version : A bit of inspiration for the struggling

05-23-2012, 09:52 PM
Hey everyone! I had a very good night and i wanted to spread the hope to you guys out there struggling. Just this morning i felt hopeless. I laid around all day in bed home alone feeling unable and just scared to move from my anxiety induced dizziness and i was fearful to even get in the shower. I was scared to even shower thats crazy. I was a greasey mess! With this being day 5 or so of me doing this routine of not doing anything but staring at the wall i couldnt bear it anymore. Ive been agoraphobic and bored with walking down my street so I had a random thought to go swimming! So i grabbed my dog and we went swimming. I was nervous but it felt good to doggy paddle around and move my body. Doing that started a chain of good things! I got out of the pool and pushed myself to shower. I felt great in there. I even shaved my legs and armpits (they were hairy lol) and got out feeling fresh. Then on a roll i called my dad at work and told him id like to get some food when he got off work. I had a little bit of anticipatory anxiety so i took .25mg xanax which is a very small dose and i still have panic attacks with this dose but i didnt wanna feel drugged up. Id rather feel anxiety just mildly to know im alert and alive than to be so messed up on xanax that i dont remember anything lol. But i was going to do this i was determined. We went to a very busy packed loud sports bar and bad a great meal. I just didnt overthink anything. Didnt think about my fears. I am also usually scared in cars but this didnt happen there or back i was all good and it felt great!

Sometimes i started to panic but i was able to keep it low. Panic attacks are scary until you learn to just accept them. Besides they ALWAYS pass and you feel fantastic afterwards! Like you just orgasmed kind of lmao u guys know that ahhh i made it feeling....

I know i have bad days ahead but i also know theres good ones. If yoj read my posts around here you can see my despair lately. I really needed today. Because like many of you ive been very discouraged. A friend of mine told me the other day that sitting in a house alone not doing anything for days on end is enough to drive anyone crazy, let alone someone with phobias and anxiety! Im on cloud 9 right now.

My best advice (which is easier said than done but work on it) is get out and do something. Do lawn work, go swimming in your pool, take your dog for a walk. Do anything BESIDES paying attention to every little gargle and pop that happens inside your body. Anxiety isnt dangerous - we are blessed to be alive. All of this can be conquered and controlled its just a matter of finding it within yourself. I know it sucks, and its scary. But you got this!!!

05-24-2012, 08:24 AM
I'm so glad that your trying to break this negative cycle. The only way to get over anxiety and panic is to work through it.

I'll keep the good vibes flowing with my own recent experience. I have been doing really well for the past FIVE weeks. I returned to work after a horrible holiday break filled with anxiety and panic attacks every other day - it was like a bad roller coaster I couldn't get off of!

I was terrified to return to work thinking that I would be a wreck and that I wouldn't be able to do my job, but going back to work has been the best thing for me. I am functioning at a level that's almost normal. I actually feel good about myself now that I have stopped doubting myself.

There is still some bad stuff going on in my life - my partner lost his job, so we are having money stress which has caused tension, but I'm actually dealing with it.

I have even been able to get up and present seminars at work - one of my big anxiety triggers without a flutter. In just under a month my partner and I are performing at a tribute for a friend who passed away last year. If I can get up and sing in front of hundreds of people and get on a plane a few weeks later (big phobia), I know I can do anything.

We can all get through this. A few months ago I thought I would never get through this, I could barely survive a trip to get groceries, but now I'm living my life and loving it.

Good luck everyone. Keep fighting, keep challenging yourself!

05-24-2012, 09:09 AM
Hey everyone! I had a very good night and i wanted to spread the hope to you guys out there struggling. Just this morning i felt hopeless. I laid around all day in bed home alone feeling unable and just scared to move from my anxiety induced dizziness and i was fearful to even get in the shower. I was scared to even shower thats crazy. I was a greasey mess! With this being day 5 or so of me doing this routine of not doing anything but staring at the wall i couldnt bear it anymore. Ive been agoraphobic and bored with walking down my street so I had a random thought to go swimming! So i grabbed my dog and we went swimming. I was nervous but it felt good to doggy paddle around and move my body. Doing that started a chain of good things! I got out of the pool and pushed myself to shower. I felt great in there. I even shaved my legs and armpits (they were hairy lol) and got out feeling fresh. Then on a roll i called my dad at work and told him id like to get some food when he got off work. I had a little bit of anticipatory anxiety so i took .25mg xanax which is a very small dose and i still have panic attacks with this dose but i didnt wanna feel drugged up. Id rather feel anxiety just mildly to know im alert and alive than to be so messed up on xanax that i dont remember anything lol. But i was going to do this i was determined. We went to a very busy packed loud sports bar and bad a great meal. I just didnt overthink anything. Didnt think about my fears. I am also usually scared in cars but this didnt happen there or back i was all good and it felt great!

Sometimes i started to panic but i was able to keep it low. Panic attacks are scary until you learn to just accept them. Besides they ALWAYS pass and you feel fantastic afterwards! Like you just orgasmed kind of lmao u guys know that ahhh i made it feeling....

I know i have bad days ahead but i also know theres good ones. If yoj read my posts around here you can see my despair lately. I really needed today. Because like many of you ive been very discouraged. A friend of mine told me the other day that sitting in a house alone not doing anything for days on end is enough to drive anyone crazy, let alone someone with phobias and anxiety! Im on cloud 9 right now.

My best advice (which is easier said than done but work on it) is get out and do something. Do lawn work, go swimming in your pool, take your dog for a walk. Do anything BESIDES paying attention to every little gargle and pop that happens inside your body. Anxiety isnt dangerous - we are blessed to be alive. All of this can be conquered and controlled its just a matter of finding it within yourself. I know it sucks, and its scary. But you got this!!!

I too have anxiety induced dizziness and after months and months I'm still thinking I have some horrible illness and I too am too scared to leave my bed. I fear the feelings like the shakiness and antsy feeling like I have to rush and pant through everything. I hate my life! I'm really down right now. I have a 3 year old and can barley function. I'm a horrible person and can not overcome this

05-24-2012, 06:25 PM
Hey girl there are going to be good days and bad. In fact i just emerged from a really low point and i feel great. You WILL have a good day and more after that i promise! Its hard but you should work on not focusing on bodily sensations so much. Laying in bed freaking out is the WORST thing you could do. I found that the more i did that the worse i felt constantly focusing on my vision and perception of the world and every bodily sensation. Hell, if my stomach grumbled from hunger itd scare me! That would drive anyone nuts! I dont have a kid but i have an active dog thats been getting me out of the house and doing things. Are you agoraphobic by any chance? is it hard for you to drive or to go out anywhere in public? With a lil more info ill have more to say and can hopefully help :)

For dizziness, i have been doing vestibular exercises at home that my doctor recommended (google this for more info) it helps train your brain to get rid of random dizziness. One i do specifically is sit in a chair close my eyes and move my head around in a figure eight motion for five seconds then open your eyes. Dont be scared you will feel dizzy as hell when you first open your eyes but it goes away in a couple seconds. When the dizziness goes away then Repeat that ten times in a row 3 different times of the day and its helped me alot. You may also try taking dramamine if you can get to a drug store (or have a family member pick you up some) it helps when im really dizzy. Its a motion sickness and anti dizziness medication (if you arent familiar).