View Full Version : nervous stomach

05-23-2012, 03:32 AM
Hi guys, im new to the forum and have been struggling with anxiety for a few months now. Ive bedn having cbt, am takibg citalopragm and am this waiting to be referred to a psycologist. My biggest worry with my anxiety at the mo is my stomach. When i get anxious i feel i may 'mess' myself. This has never happened to me so i dnt understand why that fear is there. I am suffering with terrible bouts of diarrhoea at the mo too. Is there anyone else that has these problems? Its really getting me down. Im in a new relationship too and he is the most amazing abd supportive guy but even staying round his makes me anxious now incase i have an upset stomach as i find it embaressing. I also find thats its not just the anxiety causing tbe upset stomach, but the stomach causing the anxiety. Its a vicious circle that really starting to effect me now :-(

05-23-2012, 04:05 AM
During periods of anxiety I get a very upset stomach. I developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome a few years ago and like you if I was anxious my stomach would be upset and when my stomach was upset I'd get more anxious about it. I used to be so scared about soiling myself in public even though it had never happened, I was also terrified of fainting in public even though that had never happened before either. My doctor prescribed anti-diarrhoea tablets to take when needed (I can also take them if I am feeling particularly anxious and like I may get diarrhoea) and also a drug to help with the stomach pains I would get. I also cut out things that irritated my stomach like alcohol and greasy food. Unfortunately needing to go to the toilet can be a common symptom of anxiety- your body essentially wants to get rid of waste and makes itself lighter so it's ready for fight or flight. My stomach problems have really settled over the years though and I think that may be because of a combination of therapy and anti-anxiety meds. Have you talked about it in your CBT sessions? These irrational fears can be hard to get over but it is do-able and if I managed it then anyone can!

05-23-2012, 04:53 AM
Thanks Buttercup. I have spoken about it in cbt and was told thats its something i need to accept and then the anxiety will reduce. Thats easier said than done tho. Ive been trying to avoid tabs like immodium as i think its better to let it pass then clog my bowels up. I know needing to go toilet is nothing to be ashamed of but it does make me very anxious when i'm in places that aren't my 'safe place'

05-23-2012, 05:15 AM
Did this all start around the time of the new relationship? Is there anything else new in your life that could be worrying you?

05-23-2012, 05:47 AM
Hi luckyb. Urm...no i dnt think it did but because i gad an uoset stomach around him and was very anxious, im nearly always anxious when i stay at his, yet if we're at mine i'm ok

05-30-2012, 12:13 PM
Whenever i feel stress i need togo bathroom and throw it if i dont go i feel i 'll do in my pant..which add fear to me....plz help...and i have a fear of diarrhoea when i go out like travelling,seminar,theatre,exam hall,openspace....plz help me to cure...