View Full Version : Hi everyone!

05-23-2012, 12:58 AM
Hey guys,

I've just joined up to the forum, mainly just to be involved with a group of people who I can relate to. I'm an ex-panic attack sufferer, so I guess I'm here more to share my experiences with everyone and try to help like so many have done for me. At the same time, i have to work on my issues to keep my anxiety under control, so keeping in the loop will help I hope. Anyway, I'm sure I'll talk to some of you in the forums!


05-23-2012, 03:54 AM
Hi Luke,
Welcome :)
Good to see an ex sufferer- gives us hope! So how did you manage to overcome your anxiety?
B x

05-23-2012, 05:09 AM
Good to see an ex sufferer- gives us hope! So how did you manage to overcome your anxiety?

Hey Buttercup, well its been a long process, mostly just doing research on different methods that other people have used eg breathing exercises etc. Glad i can provide some hope!