View Full Version : Lexapro side effects

05-22-2012, 07:16 PM
I have anxiety / panic / obsessive thinking disorders. I have been taking xanax .50 4 times a day for 7 years. The past 2 months I have experienced far more anxiety. My doctor gave me lexapro 5 mg to start and work up to 10. I have come up with every excuse not to take an SSRI, but I need to do something to get better. Can anyone tell me if lexapro made you more anxious or if you had any side effects? Please, I need to do something!! Thank you!!

05-22-2012, 07:33 PM
I did the same thing- did 4 days of 5mg, then a few weeks of 10mg.

At the very beginning, I had SLIGHTLY increased anxiety. There was one morning where I woke up in a panic attack, but an ativan quickly cut that out. Each time I increased the dose, I would have slight problems sleeping for 1-2 nights but nothing major.

Even with that happening, Lexapro has CHANGED MY LIFE. I started 15mg last week, and around the same time noticed a complete turnaround. I used to take ativan daily, now need it 1-2 times a week. My anxiety has diminished almost COMPLETELY. I feel normal, balanced and sane almost 24/7. And even the rare occasion where I get a little anxious is hardly that bad at all. I used to have a panic attack just about every morning. Now I haven't had one in over a week, and every day gets even better.

Lexapro is known for very low side effects. I HIGHLY recommend going through with it. It may take over a month to kick in, but it works very well.

05-23-2012, 05:52 AM
No real side effects for me and it helped. Back to prozac for me as it is much cheaper and helps about as much and I sleep better while on it . Alankay