View Full Version : Fear

05-22-2012, 07:15 AM
How do I get rid of this immense fear I feel??? Health anxiety is consuming my life...going on a trip to Disneyland and I'm scared of getting in rides.....scared of getting a heart attack, scared of getting dizzy, scared of passing out......so scared to tell my family I would rather not go and stay in my house!!!! Uuuugggghhhh hate that I'm like this!

05-22-2012, 06:15 PM
I know the feeling.. All I can say us Xanax works within 30 minutes and helps big time when symptoms are out of control for u. Also try to be repetitive about positive things so that is what consumes your mind instead of the negative. Religion has help calm many people with anxiety. Have u tried this?

05-23-2012, 04:29 AM
Don't take drugs! Face the fear head on completely sober and med free like some spiritual journey and conquer it. Go right into the fear and come out the other side fearless. Take it all as a spiritual vision quest and go right through the tunnel and then you will discover the light at the end of the tunnel. Fuck your fear! Fuck anxiety! It's a bluff!

Just say Fuck it! and then take a dive.

Then you will be on your way to true peace and happiness.

Feel the magic and beauty of life. Love is surrounding you. Open your eyes to it.

05-23-2012, 05:24 AM
Don't take drugs! Face the fear head on completely sober and med free like some spiritual journey and conquer it. Go right into the fear and come out the other side fearless. Take it all as a spiritual vision quest and go right through the tunnel and then you will discover the light at the end of the tunnel. Fuck your fear! Fuck anxiety! It's a bluff!

Just say Fuck it! and then take a dive.

Then you will be on your way to true peace and happiness.

Feel the magic and beauty of life. Love is surrounding you. Open your eyes to it.

I have to agree. I took lexapro for a couple of years and i have to say it did work, but i don't think it was worth it due to the side effects, and the cost.

There are ways to overcome that fear without drugs - try to re-assure yourself that nothing bad will happen for the things like going to disneyland etc.

In your logic mind, you know things like passing out or getting a heart attack shouldn't (and won't) happen, so try just telling yourself that before you hop on!

It will take a while, but before long you WILL believe yourself and things will become a lot easier!

05-23-2012, 06:19 AM
Yes i agree don't use medication , it can make u feel even worse worrying about the side affects, i wont use pills and im getting there slowly but surly :))

05-23-2012, 07:23 AM
That's one of the biggest fears I have is that it won't ever go away. That it'll come back.