View Full Version : Newbie (past history of chronic pain) - developed this suddenly+ hoping to overcom

05-21-2012, 10:11 PM
I have had a history of chronic pelvic pain for 5 years . I take Elavil daily 25 mg and a host of other herbal medications to manage it. In March, I had a rough time with my boss who publicly reprimanded me for not being able to do certain tasks. Since then I am having problems in attending that bi weekly meeting. I do it now on the phone. Now the problem seems ot have worsened. Last weekend, an exec management guy from another company invited me for beers. Even though there was no interview/hiring decision, I suffered severe anxiety. In the end, I took a friend along. The conversation went fine. I know this is avoidance behavior but I thought that this will go away. I have never had these issues earlier in childhood or adult life

I am meeting a psychiatrist whom I had been seeing for chronic pain. He seems to be puzzled as well. I just have a thought that I will fall down/ or stammer and by the time my rational brain can react, I am already paralyzed with fear.

I am male 37 yrs old and have to move jobs but need to manage this so that I can go to interviews.Thanks for any inputs. I do meditation / relaxation frequently for chronic pain;

05-22-2012, 06:48 AM
This is a common anxiety symptom - I had it and recovered. Dr. David Wise has a book on it and a treatment center in California

05-22-2012, 08:56 AM
Bad boss. A boss should correct in private and praise in public. I'm sorry for you but it seems there are no shortages of poor bosses.:( Alankay.

05-22-2012, 01:30 PM
This is a common anxiety symptom - I had it and recovered. Dr. David Wise has a book on it and a treatment center in California

Thanks mystic soul. Yes I attended the Stanford protocol 5 years ago and have been in touch with Dr Wise. I was bedridden with pain. I still manage pain but the jury is out if I have had anxiety issues. Even during the worst of times, I have sat/lay on a floor with a heated pad and argued my case before attorneys (disability, healthcare etc - once you have bad health everyone tries to make a dime off you).
I have returned to work but this thing came out of nowhere.
The only good thing is that I was able to handle my boss at an impromptu meeting today. Right now, I am looking for some way to tackle the situation when I get the thoughts like 'I will not be able to speak' and I just seize. 5 minutes later I am laughing at this but a few days later I am again into the rut. Do forums like toastmasters help