View Full Version : Fear of Pills / Lexapro

05-21-2012, 08:45 PM
I have had anxiety / panic attacks / obsessive thoughts of worry for 7 years. I have been taking xanax .50 4 times a day and it has helped until recently. I was hospitalized for one night and couldnt handle being locked in a unit, so bugged them til they let me go. I went to my psych doctor who gave me lexapro. He wants me to start at 5 mg for 5 days and then up it to 10 mg. I have heard that it can make your more anxious..... so of course this scares me, I have come up with every excuse in the book not to take it for the last week. I am not getting any better. Anyone have any insight on lexapro and how it worked for them? Is taking xanax within hours of taking lexapro ok? I guess it is or my doc would have told me. I am just extremely nervous to begin taking it. Any insight from anyone would be appreciated. I work full time in a high functioning job that keeps me busy, but have to be able to hold it together better than I have been.

05-21-2012, 08:50 PM
Lexapro did not work for me:( made me more anxious and very dizzy....also broke out really bad!!!! But everybody is different....I've heard it has worked for other people! Good luck😉

05-21-2012, 08:52 PM
Do you mind if I ask what you are taking now? How many mg were you on and did it make you more anxious right away. I know 2 people who didnt have that and one person who felt more anxious but had just started having anxiety. I am so confused I dont know what to do.

05-21-2012, 10:15 PM
I took Lexapro in the past and it did not give me anxiety. I ended up not taking it because it did not help with my depression. I am now taking prozac, which help so much with my anxiety and depression. I also take Klonopin as needed for panic attacks. There were two medications in the past that made my anxiety worse and i felt it right away and just stopped taking it.