View Full Version : feeling things on body that arent there?

05-21-2012, 02:01 PM
Hey recently ive been feeling weird things. My body seems to be so alert of every little thing happening to it. For example, when i lay on my stomach for a long time then get up, i still feel pressure on my stomach and chest from laying down. Also i wear glasses. When i remove my glasses i feel a pressure on the bridge of my nose. Feels like my glasses are still on my face. Its scaring me to death. If i push on my head for ten minutes and release, it feels like my heads still being pushed on for a couple seconds afterward. Am i just hypersensitive? Anyone else experience this?

05-21-2012, 02:20 PM
I think everyone on the earth feels thos in the way u described that lol i wear glasses an when i take them off they still feel like iv got them on an the same with the chest thing dont worry about it x

05-21-2012, 06:20 PM
I know exactly what your talking about! I get those weird sensations and sometimes they can be freaky. Like things feeling like they are moving when they aren't,pressures that don't make sense,etc. Pretty sure it's just because of an overly sensitive,stressed out body. That's all it could be.

05-21-2012, 07:51 PM
Panic really takes over our brains and its crazy how it works...I have a sore throat right now and I'm thinking all kinds of crap..ugh

05-21-2012, 09:23 PM
Please go to Ilovepanicattacks.com, it is so very very helpful. I have been suffering and suffering and I found this last night and I am already starting to feel better. I was becoming a hypochondriac and have racked up so many hospital and doctor bills. I say no more!! I'm tired and this has got to stop. This cite is great nothing to lose and it is free.

05-22-2012, 08:30 AM
I too found this sight last night! I have to agree it is great! I also got the ap for my phone so I have it if I need it when I am out. Definetly recommend!

05-23-2012, 01:34 AM
I think its normal mate, I get the same thing except its my heart beat that I'm very aware of - when I get nervous its sooo obvious to me, i'm worried people can see it through my shirt

05-23-2012, 02:27 AM
Hello luckyb i am exactly the same as you,i concentrate on my heart all the time,if i feel it goin fast or palps i get so anxious its a vicious circle and hard to stop

05-25-2012, 01:44 AM
Hello luckyb i am exactly the same as you,i concentrate on my heart all the time,if i feel it goin fast or palps i get so anxious its a vicious circle and hard to stop

Hey mate yeah its a tricky one i haven't really been able to solve

05-25-2012, 02:30 AM
If i push on my head for ten minutes and release, it feels like my heads still being pushed on for a couple seconds afterward.

Simple answer- don't do it then, lol.
I'm like you and notice every small sensation and I did used to panic about it. But it's totally natural for your body to feel pressure if something has been pushed on it and then released. Totally normal and nothing to worry about (I know that's easier said than done though).