View Full Version : Can anxiety really be this bad or is it something else?

05-21-2012, 07:33 AM
I honestly think my doctors are wrong. But, I'll explain what I'm going through. They claim this is all from anxiety:

Itchy skin
Muscle spasms and twitches
Body tremors
Weakness and Numbness in various parts of my body
Tingling tongue
Upset stomach
Occasional diarrhea
Head pressure
Numbness in right side in heat
Weak legs in heat
Ear ringing
Internal tremors

Every day I have some combination of these symptoms. This has been going on the last two months. I've been to the ER three times thinking I was going to have a stroke or die. I had blood work and a urine test done and nothing comes out wrong. Other doctors I talk to say its anxiety over and over again. But I'm worried it's the early stages of some disorder or diseases. I just don't want it to be too late. My question is "Does anyone suffer anxiety this bad or horrible?","How do you cope?",etc. Also, I don't know if this will be helpful but I was on Geodon back in March and I quit it after two weeks at 20 mg. I had an adverse reaction. Do you think this could be part of it? I don't know I'm at my wits end. I'm a young lady in my twenties. I don't want feel like this forever. Any suggestions or feedback will be helpful? Thanks.

05-21-2012, 12:08 PM
i'm afriad your doctors are probably right.
if you look in the sticky threads on here at the anxiety symptoms. you will see pretty much all of your symptoms there.

anxiety isn't an easy thing to deal with, it is like a constant black cloud lingering over your head.

what i have heard time and time again (and been through myself), is people questioning their doctors...sometimes even tests. they never seem to believe (at first), that it is just anxiety.
i think it finally sinks in when a few months have passed and they haven't had any further signs of the disease they thought they had, or the stroke they thought they were having, the heart attack they thought was happening, the schizophrenia they thought was taking over them etc. etc.

the medication may very well have played a part in it - i'm not sure though as i'm not sure what geodon is, or how it affects you.

the way i am coping is through meds. i am currently on sertraline 50mg which has just been increased to 100mg.
it really isn't an easy thing to deal with, but you will get there.
you need to learn to trust your doctors though, as they are only there to help :)

just wanted to add - the meds don't do all of the work. i do have to push myself to do things, like i need to push myself to go into the supermarket, and constantly reassure myself whilst i am in there. it is alot easier to manage my anxiety, and battle through it when on the meds

05-21-2012, 06:57 PM
I do the exact same thing I constantly feel like my shoulders and back of neck and head tingle and I feel dizzy when looking up and down. When I'm totally calm I don't feel it. I try not to take Ativan but my thoughts just get away with me and I'm always thinking I'm dying. I get these waves o adrenaline which feels like heart palps and I can not get my self out of these. They will last all day long. I'm just fearing the fear of a heart attack or stroke or lung cancer as I smoke a lot more since all this started happening. I'm afraid my child will be mother less because I was sick and they didn't know and I died. I really want these feelings and sensations to go away I can do this anymore! Sound familiar?

05-22-2012, 05:45 PM
I do the exact same thing I constantly feel like my shoulders and back of neck and head tingle and I feel dizzy when looking up and down. When I'm totally calm I don't feel it. I try not to take Ativan but my thoughts just get away with me and I'm always thinking I'm dying. I get these waves o adrenaline which feels like heart palps and I can not get my self out of these. They will last all day long. I'm just fearing the fear of a heart attack or stroke or lung cancer as I smoke a lot more since all this started happening. I'm afraid my child will be mother less because I was sick and they didn't know and I died. I really want these feelings and sensations to go away I can do this anymore! Sound familiar?

I've been having these symptoms for the last two months as well. I've gotten that head tingling the last few weeks. Is this a common symptom. How do u stop it and what causes it?

05-24-2012, 09:08 AM
Howdy .

I have to say i have had every one of those . In fact that list anxious talks about i had 95% at my worse .

Why were you on Geodon ?

cheers kev :)

I was on Geodon for paranoia. Sorry you suffer the anxiety symptoms. Do they ever go away or are they constant for you?

05-24-2012, 09:10 AM
I do the exact same thing I constantly feel like my shoulders and back of neck and head tingle and I feel dizzy when looking up and down. When I'm totally calm I don't feel it. I try not to take Ativan but my thoughts just get away with me and I'm always thinking I'm dying. I get these waves o adrenaline which feels like heart palps and I can not get my self out of these. They will last all day long. I'm just fearing the fear of a heart attack or stroke or lung cancer as I smoke a lot more since all this started happening. I'm afraid my child will be mother less because I was sick and they didn't know and I died. I really want these feelings and sensations to go away I can do this anymore! Sound familiar?

Yes, your anxiety symptoms sound familiar. I am also afraid of dying too. I wish the symptoms would go away too.

05-24-2012, 09:15 AM
i'm afriad your doctors are probably right.
if you look in the sticky threads on here at the anxiety symptoms. you will see pretty much all of your symptoms there.

anxiety isn't an easy thing to deal with, it is like a constant black cloud lingering over your head.

what i have heard time and time again (and been through myself), is people questioning their doctors...sometimes even tests. they never seem to believe (at first), that it is just anxiety.
i think it finally sinks in when a few months have passed and they haven't had any further signs of the disease they thought they had, or the stroke they thought they were having, the heart attack they thought was happening, the schizophrenia they thought was taking over them etc. etc.

the medication may very well have played a part in it - i'm not sure though as i'm not sure what geodon is, or how it affects you.

the way i am coping is through meds. i am currently on sertraline 50mg which has just been increased to 100mg.
it really isn't an easy thing to deal with, but you will get there.
you need to learn to trust your doctors though, as they are only there to help :)

just wanted to add - the meds don't do all of the work. i do have to push myself to do things, like i need to push myself to go into the supermarket, and constantly reassure myself whilst i am in there. it is alot easier to manage my anxiety, and battle through it when on the meds

Thanks for the reply. Yes, it is hard to trust doctors because I'm always thinking they are wrong. But, the thing is new symptoms of anxiety are developing which makes me think it's not just anxiety. I really don't want to have to take medicine again.

05-31-2012, 01:11 PM
Does anyone get numbness through out the head constantly?

05-31-2012, 01:53 PM
i have been diagnosed with chronic anxiety for about 10 years now. i still to this day get new symptoms.
i also find that symptoms come and hang around for a while, then you don't see them again for a long time. if that makes sense?

you don't have to take medicine. there are ways you can help yourself :)
change in diet
less caffeine

and the list goes on.

oh...and it has only been in the last year when i have fully accepted that i have anxiety!
i never for one second realised my googling of symptoms was a problem of mine.
i put all of my symptoms down to everything but anxiety!
i don't know if that was a form of denial, or what.

i didn't actually think anxiety was a bad as what it is. even though the doctors told me anxiety, they told me nothing about it.
i just thought all of my symptoms were related to something else, something bad...which led to my constant googling and diagnosing myself. which...is anxiety