View Full Version : Chest pains

05-21-2012, 04:49 AM
M having hard times believing my chest pain is anxiety even though I got my EKG done...? The pain doesn't really radiate anywhere but it's on the left side and it seems to last a few seconds and then go away and come back.. But also I have left arm pain as well so that's really freaking me out... I'm wandering of I've anything to worry about even though I'm only 20 about to be 21 my doctor keeps saying I'm too young ... I'm to young... And when I went to the er in jan they said I was a perfectly healthy kid and to stop worrying... Also had an EKG... But I didnt really have chest pain then... The chest pain is kinda new...

05-21-2012, 05:00 AM
Hey, how's it going? I went to the ER back in February for the same thing. I'm 23, and the doctor said that the chance of a heart attack at my age was almost under zero. Also you have a better chance of winning the lottery. I went months with chest pain on and off, and freaked out. Finally I decided that it's got to be anxiety, if it was heart....would I still be walking around months later? So this is what I started to do, going to the gym, doing good chest stretches, breath from your stomach (inhale count 1,2,3 exhale 3,2,1) your braing can't concentrate on both the pain and the counting and breathing. I hope you feel better, and remember this forum is always here.


05-21-2012, 06:41 AM
Lol what about a stroke haha.... Idk I'm just scared I guess