View Full Version : breathe techniques

05-20-2012, 10:31 PM
Hello everyone, I've been dealing with anxiety for the past 4 years, is not a funny feeling, I was wondering if somebody can give me advice on how to help ease an anxiety/panic attack, I've tried so far breathing techniques but sometimes it doesn't work, the palpitations and pain on the chest gets me really scared, any help/advice will be appreciated. thanks a lot, :)

05-21-2012, 02:15 PM
You have to retrain your thought process which is easier said than done. Keep telling yourself when the physical symptoms come "oh thats just my anxiety" or talk to your thought. It sounds silly but the more you do it the more it becomes second nature to you. And someone on here told me once you have to laugh at yourself. You have to think this is just silly and have a good laugh sometimes. When my heart palpitations get out of control I have propranolol. It's a beta blocker that you don't have to take everyday just when you need it and once that calms down my heart I normally can calm down my thoughts. And I also do preventative breathing. Again silly but every morning and every night I sit down an take 10 really deep breaths. I find that the days I do this my anxiety levels drop dramatically. I find that when I am already is full swing panic mode breathing does nothing :-( good luck

05-21-2012, 10:56 PM
thanks a lot for answering iblanchard, I try to talk to myself and tell me i am ok but sometimes doesn't work, I am going to try what you said about deep breaths and see how it works, thanks again!