View Full Version : Help

05-20-2012, 06:13 PM
I everyone... I am having a lot of trouble lately as I am super busy. I am working full time and going to graduate school full time.. Because of my crazy life, I feel my old anxieties creeping up, namely my emetophobia. Any tips or suggestions because cutting stuff out for now isn't an option for the next month. I appreciate your help!

05-21-2012, 03:33 AM
hiya. are you on any medication to help you with your anxiety?

i really don't know how to help in this situation as i've never had to deal with it before.
i know there is somebody on this forum who suffers from emetophobia so hopefully they see your post and can advise you better!

maybe create a post specifically on emetophobia! you might get a better response :)

05-30-2012, 11:18 PM
Hi there, I know you posted this awhile ago but I know exactly how you feel! I am a full time law student and work two jobs and have panic disorder and add. When it Is a really stressful time with school and everything I get the same way. It's awful feeling like I can't handle it all and knowing the anxiety is just going to get worse. I just finished the school year but I am not any less stressed its so frustrating! Lately I have really been trying to just focus on getting sleep when I can, not thinking too far ahead of what I have to do the next day, and trying to focus on taking care of myself and eating right. I think it gets a lot worse when I stress about everything I have to do at once instead of focusing on one day at a time. Focus on taking care of yourself and don't obsess like I do that you are on a downward anxiety spiral , it does not help ! Good luck :) you will be okay.