View Full Version : Anxiety caused by Hypoglycemia?

05-20-2012, 06:36 PM
One of the horrible things about reading about various medical conditions is the fact that I see symptoms in everything that I have. Anyways I feel like maybe my anxiety is caused by Hypoglycemia. The symptoms include being tired all the time, confusion, anxiety, ect ect. Not to mention, low blood sugar. Recently my sister in law had a blood sugar tester and mine read pretty low. This was after I had ate something 30 minutes prior to as well. The real question is, is my anxiety caused by this? Does my anxiety cause this? Is something else causing all of this? So many questions! :P

I intend on going to my GP here in about a week to describe all my problems with anxiety and being tired, and possibly getting a therapist as well.

05-20-2012, 11:39 PM
I am diabetic too, and I somehow can differentiate an anxiety attack from a low blood sugar, I do get heart palpitations when my blood sugar goes low and sweat and all that, I always check my sugar when I have these symptoms, hopefully your doctor and therapist will find the root of your anxiety.