View Full Version : Dizzy/Light Headed

05-20-2012, 01:19 PM
Hi again everyone,

Everyone here usually helps me out pretty well with working through my anxiety. Today I was sitting outside and I felt off since I woke up this morning. But then I started to feel really dizzy and lightheaded which in turn got me really anxious. My head feels heavy and I can't seem to focus my eyes on stuff. Every time I look up my symptoms it says anxiety....how can this be cause by anxiety. The dizziness is slowly going away but it sucks. Does anyone else have this? Does anyone have suggestions on what to do when this happens?

05-20-2012, 01:34 PM
It may or may not be anxiety but it will not be anything serious. Dis you get enough sleep last night? Had you drunk/eaten enough? Was is really hot outside? Maybe you are run down or have picked up a bug or are starting a cold. Even people who don't have anxiety can get light headed and dizzy and feel weird. It's because there is something in our brain that links it back to anxiety that we start freaking out. So if you ever feel like that again don't just assume it's the anxiety, try think of the alternatives. Or simply try and think "I feel dizzy today, it will get better and it's nothing to worry about". Put it down to a crappy day and try your very best to forget about it. And don't google symptoms! No good will come of that!

05-20-2012, 01:37 PM
I tend to get dizzy and lightheaded a lot. It is definetly part of anxiety. Depending on where I am, I try to just lie down, remind myself that it is anxiety and will pass, and focus on my breathing. Sometimes thus works and sometimes I just end up in a full panic attack thinking something else is wrong with me. Sorry I am not much help but it is part of anxiety.

05-20-2012, 01:50 PM
Thanks guys for responding. I have tried to get out of the habit of googling, it just scared me so I looked it up. It is hot out and I have been nauseous today, I'm starting to think I ate something that wasn't good. I'll do my best to try to relax and forget about it. Thanks again for replying!

05-20-2012, 02:11 PM
When it is hot outside you can get dizzy. If it is anxiety... focus on your breathing. If you get too much air in your lungs you will get lightheaded. First rule is to breath through your nose (if you aren't already doing that). Also try to breath slowly.