View Full Version : Could i possibly have an anxiety problem that i should talk to my doctor about?

05-20-2012, 10:34 AM
I'm a teen, and I've been wondering if I have some anxiety disorder for a long time, but it never comes up around my doctor. I always get SO nervous about tests and beat myself up about them, and I honestly feel like I have a panic attack. Breathing gets really fast and I hyproventalate. I get so worried I can't think straight and in some cases I get so frustrated and just want to throw everything on the ground and cry. I get really anxious and nervous anytime I think about school or my grades, even though I get great grades I just want to hurt myself when I find a B on my report card. I am also the first born child, so it feels like all the pressure is on me to set high goals and be perfect. Anytime I get anxious or nervous I get horrible nausea and my stomach gets upset. I've been having on and off nausea for nearly 6 months and it really bothers me, especially when I'm trying to sleep. Has anyone else felt like this? I just want to know If I could have any possible problems or if this is all just a huge phase that will pass after my teen years.. Any advice or help would be great! Thanks

05-20-2012, 05:23 PM
If you need a full on check up to make sure you are healthy and everything is in normal range then that is fine. Going to doctors for help with panic I think is not the right path. They have no clue how to effectively treat anxiety and panic and at your age, I'd hate to see you addicted to meds. But if you have a true digestive problem with all that nausea you can get it evaluated. But if it is linked to being nervous or anxious, then the problem's source s obviously your too anxious. I wouldn't go to doctors for spiritual problems. Follow my 2 posts in the sticky and see if that helps. Follow the Quick Guide to Stopping Panic Attacks and see if it helps.

05-20-2012, 09:26 PM
Ok, thanks for the advice. I'll try your technique next time I feel I'm on the verge of a breakdown. There's only one thing.. U say it can cause u no harm to have a panic attack.. But whenever mine get bad enough I hurt myself. I just have horrible impulses. I'm not dumb enough to actually cut something critical, I want to live. I just need to feel some pain to distract me from the other feelings. I guess I'll try what u suggest, though. And maybe I can "blank" out and just stop thinking altogether, it might calm me down and keep me from thinking my bad thoughts.

05-20-2012, 09:56 PM
Ok. What you are talking about sounds more than just anxiety. I know how to cure panic and anxiety, but not what you are talking about. It sounds like you have other issues going on as well. If you are in any danger of harming yourself, then you obviously need professional help. The actual symptoms of an anxiety attack can't harm you, but if you are possible to cut yourself, kill yourself, or do something dangerous to you or someone else, then this is more than just anxiety and you need to be under the care of a professional that knows how to treat this.

For me, I would just be frozen in my tracks and scared to death. I would have very bad panic attacks when I left my house, took showers, waking up, being alone, around crowds, in shopping malls, etc. I would wake up at 4 AM and my heart would race and I would feel I was going insane and I would call ambulances. I would have very bad shakes. I kept feeling I couldn't breathe in enough air and I would try to breathe more and more, deeper and deeper to get oxygen in so I wouldn't die. These type of symptoms I know how to cure. I didn't have anything where I would endanger someone or myself.

Good luck!

05-21-2012, 02:42 AM
the whole anxiety for your age, going through what you are going through is completely normal.
it just means that you want to do well!

you are basically putting yourself under pressure. which isn't a bad thing! since it is leading to the cutting though, it isn't exactly a good thing.

you say the cutting is to distract yourself from your feelings! you need to just embrace those feelings as it's those that are helping you get through your school and grades!
try and accept them!
what you need to concentrate on is distracting yourself from the cutting! i have been there myself, it is an addictive bad habit, which can lead to serious injury - even without intention!

everytime you become anxious, and the urge to cut yourself creeps in, take yourself completely out of the situation. have a shower, go for a jog, dance to some music, visit friends etc.
just do anything that takes your mind off the cutting, which will probably help take your mind off of your anxiety also!

if you can't manage to use distraction techniques to retrain your brain to handle things without cutting - then you will need to be under the care of a professional as panic said!

05-21-2012, 05:06 AM
Thanks everyone! :) I will try as best I can to cure myself or at least make things better when I'm feeling anxiety creep up.