View Full Version : What does this dream mean??

05-20-2012, 07:05 AM
Hey all

Been having a lot of stress and anxiety over my biological dad lately and last night I had the most horrifying dream...

He used to shoot kangaroos for a living ... ( i know i know total asshole >.< ) i dreamed i was at his house and he was drunk, he then turned one of his hunting guns on me and shot me and left me to die... I woke up in pain and almost crying....

I dont know what to do im terrified of him enough as it is... I dont see him anymore

but it was still horrifying... hes the source of all my mental problems and sometimes I want to kill him >.<

Help please...

05-20-2012, 07:20 AM
Hi Silmarwen18,

I could be wrong, but I have heard that killing in dreams may represent betrayal and disappointment. I wouldn't be too scared, and I especially wouldn't be concerned that you have murderous instincts! Our dreams are nothing more than just jumbled up nonsense that gets portrayed in the oddest ways. Sometimes there is truth behind what happens in the dreams, but mostly I think it's just an dramatic, over representation of our lives! Classic example: Every time I have something important due in my life, I start dreaming that I am pregnant and about to give birth.

Don't read too much into it. There might just be a lot of anger and tension, and it comes out in the oddest ways!

If you are really concerned, you could always seek counselling. But my advice would be to not worry, the oddest things may happen in our dreams. I don't even want to repeat some of the stuff that has happened in mine :)