View Full Version : Your most embarassing panic attack

05-20-2012, 06:23 AM
Hi all

I've been suffering from "anxiety disorder" and panic attacks for some 5/6 months now. It's been a very hard, roller-coaster of a time for me but I now have both these conditions under reasonable control thanks to experience, some cognitive therapy and our old friend - time.

I know the condition is hideous and and can be life ruining, BUT, when all's said it done - it has its amusing side too.

If I step back, look at myself and think about what's going on, I can't help but giggle sometimes at the reality of it all.
I mean, things like; panicking for no apparent reason / fear of entering a supermarket / fear of going to work / fear of my own blummin' shadow sometimes... lol

Come on... it's kinda funny eh?
(OK, so it's easy for me to say as I seem to be getting better)

Anyway, to help lighten the subject I thought I'd post my most embarassing panic attack for your amusement. You may want to do the same. :-)

So, here's mine:

I was at Disneyland Paris.
The weather was good, everyone was having fun and on the face of it, the world was good.
BUT... I was feeling a little anxious. Not too bad, but I could feel it (you know, that slightly uneasy feeling that puts you a little on edge)

I should have known it was going to be a tough day. The massive 45 minute entrance que amidst a sea of irritated people was a sure trigger!

We fumbled our way and had our turn on a few rides, but then came "ARMAGEDDON". Basically a walk-through where you're in a space-ship and they simulate an asteroid strike on the ship.

(UT-OH! If only I'd known before hand)

So, we get in there, the lights go off and then things start to get nasty... LOL... the place is shaking, flames rise from various places and we even get sprayed with water.

Guess what happened?

Yep, I nearly soiled myself with fear. Shaking, heart racing, tight chest, an overwhelming fear and that ever-so-hideous feeling of impending death!

The little kids around me loved it but I was suffering BIG TIME!!

I had to get out... literally... so embarassed asking the staff.

Not my proudest moment, LOL

05-23-2012, 12:27 PM
That sounds terrible! Lol i live for that euphoric rush/relief after panic attacks because it makes me feel like its all gunna be ok.

My most embarassing was a month ago when i was at a 3rd party diagnostic place to get blood drawn for the doctor. It was a fasting blood draw, and i felt like crap anyway from having not ate. The doctor had ordered many tests so shes just filling vile after vile. So slowly too because she couldnt find A good vein. I started feeling nauseous which triggered a serious panic i jumped out of the chair right when she took the needle out and had stuck the gauze on my arm for me to hold. She didnt speak english very well and was yelling "wait wait get back here r u going to faint U MUST SIT DOWN" so i stumbled out into the waiting area to the water fountain to try to drink water/splash it on my face and fainted immediately after. The lady chased me all the way into the waiting room yelling at me to stop. Woke up nauseous feeling fuzzy with a fan blowing on me and everyone staring at me in a packed waiting room. I was mortified!

05-23-2012, 12:49 PM
Disneyland story was awesome. Waiting room story made me feel bad for you lol my biggest fear is something happening in front of ppl

My embarrass story was set on a aeroplane I took alone to see my fiancé. I hate flying in every way but alone just sucked even more!!! I thought I was doing really well, an hour in I ate and felt good about everything. Then it all went terribly wrong, I decided (naturally) I was going to die, so I got a tad hysterical and was shaking very badly, stumbled to find the nurse stewardess and burst into tears in front of the coach section of the plane. Spent two hours shaking and having the nurse rub my back bless her. I was fine on the way home lol

I was mortified!!!! 4 months later, I laugh about it. :)

05-23-2012, 07:05 PM
It was my first big legit panic attack. Ive had anxiety about stuf my whole life but when I was 17 I went to the movies to see sweeny Todd. I wanted to see it bad and through the first half of the movie I was fine. All of a sudden I gotthis thought of dread that omg I'm gonna die. Usually I can push it out but this one felt weird. I couldn't breathe I felt wrestles like I needed to vomit. I left the theatre and kept pacing around trying to istract myself but I couldn't breathe. I was with my brother and the guy I babysit for and his oldest son. When the movie was over I told him and I sat in the lobbby crying and hyperventilating feeling like imgonnadie. looking back on it I feel embarrassed that it happened in front of all these people :-/

05-24-2012, 11:29 AM
I've never had a full blown panic attack in front of people,I usually am somehow able to save that until I'm not around people. Which does not make sense. However,I have gotten very anxious and pushed my boyfriend out of my way. The cashier had this look on her face like I probably beat him. LOL. The nice thing about this thread is everyone can laugh at their panic attack stories and other people's stories. It's not nearly as big of a deal as everyone worries about.