View Full Version : Was doing good-today..not so much.

01-21-2007, 09:27 PM
Today was horrible. I woke up from a nap and started crying. It seems that I've also developed depression from all of these things I have. I think somewhere I always knew I had these things, but it's seemed easier in the past to pretend like I didn't. It was a relief to get it out and read and post and I will get help for it when my new insurance kicks in, but in the interum, I have you all.

One minute I can look at my life and I'm very thankful for all that I have, but there are things in my life that I want to accomplish that get really hard sometimes. Also, there's the thing that bothers me most. I suppose a lot of people go through this, but I'm not where I want to be in life. I'm 26 years old and will be 27 next month. I'm still in college after taking a few years "off". I'm doing much better than I had when I attended previously-making all A's the whole nine, but I look at my life and think "Damn, I'm approaching 30, I sill have grad school and have no children.

Also, I've gained a couple of pounds which is depressing to say the least.

To sum it up, my depression (when it rears its ugly head) is dangerous I feel. I start to have bad thoughts, I don't want to get out of bed and I eat junkfood and cry ALOT!

Anyway, I wonder why life has to be so hard sometimes. Most of all, I wonder why it has to be hard for me so much of the time.


01-22-2007, 03:46 AM
:console: Depression as you know is common among sufferers, but especially so when coming to terms with what is wrong, because in talking about things thoughts of things we never relised come floooding in. Crying is a healthy expression of feeling. Also thinking about these issues makes us examine our lives, where we are, where we are going to. We all do this. Remember it is a long life there are no rules as to when you should leave formal education, no rules on what you should do for a living, no perfect weight or life. You are in charge and you are the most important person in your life, because if you are not happy no-one around you will be.

Try to live in the moment.

Control what you can, let the rest go.

Stay Strong, I hope you feel better soon.
