View Full Version : Worse lately due to a combination of things...

05-18-2012, 07:48 PM
I have horrible GAD. Take meds for it. Recently had to up the dose... major changes in life, move, job change, lost two loved ones back to back. Marriage issues caused some insecurity and then jealousy which sparked anxiety overload and more insecurity and rinse and repeat.... Looking for some pointers on things I can do to reduce the mind games my brain plays with itself. It's horrible! I have read articles, I understand the issues from my past, been through counseling, I know my attachment style, etc.... it's a chemical imbalance imbred from an infant and continued throughout my life into early adulthood. So I get it, I tried no meds at one point and had full blown panic attacks that I never want to experience again. Anyway, any pointers??