View Full Version : Frustrated and confused

05-17-2012, 08:08 PM
Seems to be the norm these days. 3 weeks ago tomorrow, I had the first anxiety/panic attack I've had after five years being med free. Two days later, I had the craziest feeling in my head. I wasn't feeling stressed or anxious at the time but it felt like an electric shock however it wasn't painful and only lasted a few seconds. Every since, I've had panick attacks every day. I went to my gyn to get hormone levels, etc checked. He prescribed me Xanax and Zoloft. When I asked if it could be neurological, he said he would know more from the blood work.

I took the Xanax that night while being monitored by my fried who is an anesthesiologist. I was afraid to take it after i read the insert that said dont take if youve ever had a seizure because I was convinced that's what the weird feeling was I had in my head. I took only half initially and my arms began to shake uncontrollably. She told me it was psychological and after an hour convinced me to take the other half. After 15 minutes I began to relax. I haven't taken it since out of fear my arms will shake again even after calling my primary care doctor who said it would be ok. He told me I would need to make an office visit for him to check for neuro signs but I was waiting to get blood work results back from GYN. PCP didn't seem to be overly concerned and agreed that it's probably anxiety but couldn't be 100% certain without office visit.

In the mean time, I've struggled with anxiety and panic, still haven't taken meds. Have strange taste in mouth, shaking in head, strange popping in head, etc. Today, I got the call that my CBC, thyroid, and autoimmune tests were all ok. So, I still have no answer. I'd already made an appointment with a therapist for Monday but am really struggling with the lingering question of what has happened in my head. GYN - says anxiety, family - anxiety, anesthesiologist friend - anxiety, PCP - probably anxiety but wants me to come in.

I guess I'm just curious as to whether anyone else has had these types of anxiety/panic symptoms. My previous battles with attacks included fear of heart attack. Not, stroke/seizure/cranial bleed/ms fears.

I also suffer from HBP and take a beta blocker. 38 years old. I have a great deal of stress but felt like it was under control. Now my stress is constant fear of another crazy pain in my head. I don't have time for this. My son graduates tomorrow!