View Full Version : agoraphobia

01-21-2007, 04:55 PM
Hi, I m new here. I am a 30 year old mom of 3 and married. My kids are 12.10, and 9. I have been married for 13 years. When i was pregnant with my son which is 12 now i was in a car accident, I didnt get hurt, but they couldnt do xrays or anything cause i was 2 months pregnant. It started getting worse, I couldnt even ride in a car unless i was laying down int he back seat of the car. I cant go into stores and i cant even walk down the street. I dont understnad why i have this, but it is ruining my life. i have been on different kinds of medicine, now i am on paxil and xanax. i have been off and on paxil for 9 years with trying different ones in between. I want to be able to do things with my kids and this is driving me crazy. if anyone wants to give me some advice i would appreciate that.


01-22-2007, 03:26 AM
Welcome, I hope that this forum can help some. Firstly you are not alone, all you have to do is go to the agrophobia forum to see that. You asked why this is happening to you, well the simple answer is it is an illness and asking why it is happpening to you is like saying why do I have this cold. If you can get to a single route cause as in your case recovery is eaisier, but it is bigger than that now. Anxiety is generally genetic and we often suffer with it for years without realising until somting triggers an attack or we get ill.

Advice, seek therapy and make sure the therapist is qualified, better still have one recommended. If from the UK see your GP about being referred to the local mental health team.

Take time to read the threads on this site, and find out all you can about Anxiety and Agraphobia.

Ask any questions you have here and someone will answer, there are some great people here who are happy to help and who genuinly know what you are going through.

Stay Strong

