View Full Version : Fear of heart ruining my life

05-16-2012, 09:46 PM
I used to have panick attacks alll the time but I've mostly gotten over them. When I had the panick attacks, in order to slow my heart down quickly, I would consentrate on it and it would immediately beat slower. I found out that to be able to conciously control my heart beat just by thinking about it is a very rare ability and there hasn't been much research done on it. The problem is, I've gotten in a habit of slowing down my heart beat by thinking about. Now, I can't stop concentrating on my heart so my mind is always trying to slow it down. It is scaring me because, it causes my heart beat to become very slow, slower than my normal resting heart rate of 60 bpm. I'm always scared that its going to beat too slow and I'm going to pass out. I know I probably sound like I'm nuts but, please, I need help to help me to stop worrying about it. I'm going to be visiting my family in a week and half and I really don't want to be worrying about then.I just need some reasurance that nothing bad is going to happen.

05-17-2012, 10:16 AM
Hey man. I have had issues worrying about my heart as well, but never could i slow it down on command. Im no doctor but I don't think you can slow your heart rate down so much that you will pass out, your body will not allow that to happen. My advice would be go see a cardiologist. They will give you answers that i cant give you on how to deal with this, or the peace of mind that nothing is wrong with you and it is normal. Maybe that will help you not think about it as much. This type of thing will pass though and you will be just fine.

05-17-2012, 04:12 PM
Hi, yes as it sounds like you already are expecting to hear this,there's nothing seriously wrong with you! Your just worrying about something irrational which is a symptom of anxiety. Like the person above said,I'm pretty positive it's impossible to slow your heart down so much you pass out. You can ask your doctor that for a more in depth answer.

05-17-2012, 07:57 PM
60 is normal, Lance Armstrong is around 43.

I've learned to slow mine by deep breathing.

What are you doing to help resolve your anxiety?
