View Full Version : Anxiety While Driving

05-16-2012, 07:09 PM
Hi everyone, i'm new to this forum and the reason i joined is first to find out if there are other people like me suffering from anxiety while driving and if so, how we can support each other and sharing any method that any of us is using with success. So please post your questions, comments and suggestions.

05-16-2012, 07:52 PM
I hate bridges. Especially over water. I have to lay down in the car and insure as hell can't drive over them. I've also had anxiety attacks when driving before which is terrible

05-16-2012, 11:06 PM
i cannot drive over bridges as well. the one time i did, it made my anxiety worse. i am slowly getting better though. i can drive on the freeways i am familiar with now and of course just on the streets. i used to be able to drive everywhere, go to vegas with my friends, roadtrips to coachella. now im starting over and even though it sucks you just have to think positive and that you will get through it. :/ hope this helps.

also, i developed a fear for driving with passengers as well but the other day i manned up and just went in for the ride. i made sure to tell myself to relax the whle time and just dont think about it too much and surprisingly i got through it really well wihthout panic or anything. it was a good feeling. didnt last but it was great.

05-17-2012, 12:15 AM
I definitely cannot drive anywhere near water. I always imagine the WORST possible case scenario. Always..,