View Full Version : Living in hell
05-16-2012, 12:20 PM
Have health anxiety and it's hard to deal with. I'm constantly thinking something is terribly wrong with me.
I don't know how to control my thoughts . I always feeling like I'm physically sick. My thoughts are effecting me I. So many ways.
I'm getting tired of this I don't know what to do anymore ...
05-16-2012, 12:39 PM
I understand how you feel completely:( the first thing you new to do, if you already haven't done so, is see a doctor that specializes in anxiety. I have had anxiety for 12 years and seeing a doctor and learning ways to deal with it was the best thing I ever did. Your not alone and I feel for you. It's a really hard thing to deal with, but when you learn that you can control it, you will feel so much better. I have had my anxiety under control for a few weeks. But a month ago I was in the same boat as you. Just work through your anxiety and let yourself know that YOU are in control. Bad and anxious Emotions shouldn't dictate your life. I hope you feel better soon and remember, everyone here has gone through this before and we are here for you!!! :)
Have health anxiety and it's hard to deal with. I'm constantly thinking something is terribly wrong with me.
I don't know how to control my thoughts . I always feeling like I'm physically sick. My thoughts are effecting me I. So many ways.
I'm getting tired of this I don't know what to do anymore ...
I'm goin thru the exact same thing rite now :( & for the past 2 month I constantly think I have canc..! I don't Evan like saying it Iv seen a doc afew times had my cervix checked a blood test and she says I'm fine but no that's not enuf I read a lot on the net how doctors always miss things & pass symptoms off as sum thing less serious I'm so fed up i just wana cry but the. Wat will that solve :( xx
05-17-2012, 04:22 AM
i know the feeling i am constantly panicing about what is wrong with me. when i have a panic attack i calm myself down and then 30seconds later because i am worrying about it i get another one and it seems to be a viscious circle and i have had several sleepless nights due to this.
i panic so much about heart attacks not being able to breath etc
05-17-2012, 11:09 AM
i know what ur going through any little pain i get i think its something major but its not, at the end of the day i just keep telling myself its anxiety attack tell ur self that it works for me. keep a journal of what happens when u get an attack how do u feel it really help. the best thing is go to a counselor it helps to talk about ur feelings :)
05-18-2012, 09:48 AM
I've been to the doctor and hes put me on meds but I refuse to take them. I'm constantly thinking I have colon cancer cause of my digestive system is screwed up .or I have stomach cancer . I've had a X-ray a about a year ago of my stomach and nothing was wrong along with blood work at the er and doctors ..just can't seem to get things out my head. I've been feeling tired . My legs hurt my stomach is sore. My lower back hurts and sometimes my upper back as well . I'm so living in hell and do t know what to do anymore :(
05-18-2012, 09:48 AM
Thank you everyone for the replies really appreciate it
05-18-2012, 05:35 PM
You are not living in hell. You are just your own worst enemy and can't see the beauty right in front of you that is always there. Curing yourself of anxiety, which is not a disease or illness by the way, does not happen over night and can take weeks to months. But it all starts with your WILL and a strong determination to do what it takes to get past this completely with no medication. Getting past this completely, means it's long forgotten and you just live your life. I've chosen to not forget just for the sake of helping others, but panic is no longer a part of my reality. I want to help you but you need to help yourself too. "God helps those who help themselves." Remember this quote. You will get the proper help along the way if you use your will to initiate the process. Then the snowball effect takes over and you will be on the healing path.
Don't be a slave to brain chemistry and your adrenal system. You can override it.
Good luck!
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