View Full Version : Seperation anxiety?

05-16-2012, 07:09 AM
Does anybody have problems when their significant other leaves for work? I'm unable to work at the moment because my anxiety is bad. It gets a little better,then gets worse. But I always get really anxious when my boyfriend leaves,especially if he is working far away. He's a roofer and work is just starting,the only job being an hour away. Today I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep because I was so worried about how my day was going to be without him. I'm more comfortable around him then anybody. He can always calm me down,and understands what I'm going through because he has bipolar with anxiety. I realize he is my "safe" person. Some days I'm ok without him and somedays are terrible. He understands and likes helping me. But the absolute worst part is that I am usually the opposite of needy. I used to love being alone and doing things on my own before my anxiety got bad. Does anybody else have this problem? How can I get better about it?