View Full Version : Wanting to start the day off great!

05-16-2012, 07:09 AM
I Have had it with my anxiety and panic attacks!!! This morning I am wanting to start this day of awesome. I woke up feeling great and have no anxiety, but I'm the kind of person who thinks that if I'm having a good day, something is bound to go wrong. I don't want to think like this anymore and is curious if anyone else thinks this way as well. I don't want to start being anxious about becoming anxious. It's a vicious cycle. I am ready to feel great! So, please if you have any advice on the glass half empty mentality, that would be awesome:)

05-16-2012, 09:55 AM
Sure. I commonly find myself thinking negative thoughts. The best advice I have is to not look at the "big picture" of the entire day. Rather, take "apart your day" by focusing on one thing at a time. Such as, okay first I need to eat and get ready. Then begin on your next task/activity. Also, I found an interesting point on the Internet the other day. It said to make a Thankful journal in which you jot down the things on that day you're glad to have or be a part of. I hope that helps.

05-16-2012, 10:56 AM
That sounds like a good idea. I used to keep journals but slowly quit. I have an empty journal I am going to start. It's just hard not to look at the big picture. I really need to concentrate in the now. Maybe today is a start to a new me. I just wish that I was able to tell anxiety to leave me alone. I feel good about today:)