View Full Version : Tachycardia

05-15-2012, 07:48 PM
I have been experiencing tachycardia and it's very upsetting. My dr had reassured me that it's caused by my anxiety but it's so awful when it happens. I was at an event for my son at his preschool and out of nowhere my heart started racing and skipping beats. I had to sit out the whole event while the nurse monitored me.
I don't want to go anywhere for fear that it will happen again. It's so much scarier than a panic attack :(

05-16-2012, 09:04 AM
Having tachycardia is horrible and really disturbing. My heart used to race so much due to my anxiety (it would often come out of the blue especially when i was out the house). I tried relaxation techniques, controlling my breathing, positive thinking and so on. I was told that when it happens I should find a quiet place by myself to relax but in many situations this is not possible like if you are at work. I got to the point that if I noticed my heart rate was even slightly elevated I would panic and this in turn would make my heart rate increase. My doctor put it down to anxiety as well and eventually prescribed me beta blockers which have been a wonderful help. I take 80mg slow release propranonol daily and since day one of taking them my heart has not raced no matter what situation I am in. They do not stop anxiety but they do stop that symptom which for me is a great help. I am also trying to re-learn relaxation and breathing techniques so that in the future I do not have to rely on the beta blockers. many people also do not take them daly, they just take them when they are in a situation that they know will induce panic. maybe have a chat with your doctor about the meds and also seeing someone to talk to about why the anxiety is happening.

05-16-2012, 07:56 PM
I thought I had a tachycardia problem as I was convinced my heart would get 140s to 160s beats per minute on its own without my doing. I want to countless ERs, in multiple ambulances and I saw numerous cardiologists. When my anxiety went away, amazingly, I don't get these fast heart beats anymore.

If a cardiologist checked out your heart and tells you they are sure it's caused by anxiety then do this:

BELIEVE HIM! 100% Surrender to his diagnosis. Just accept it is caused by anxiety. Fully trust this. See if it then goes away.

05-17-2012, 02:29 AM
My tacychardia and palpitations occur exclusively due to anxiety.

I presented at the ER with a resting heart rate of almost 150bpm during my most recent severe attack back in January.

It's all part of the anxiety. I have never experienced it without having a panic attack. You need to treat the anxiety and the tacychardia will subside as a part of it.

For the record, I find theater situations highly triggering - I don't know why, but I have suffered a lot of panic attacks as an audience member. I even struggle at the movies and just have to plough through it and try to ride it out.

05-17-2012, 04:19 AM
i have been suffering from a fast heart beat for about 5 years , i have been investigated by memo recorders etc and nothing was found . just recently i have been really suffering and my heart rate will be really fast for the whole of the night so i can not get to sleep as i am constantly worried about my heart . i am hoping that now i am on an ssri this will help to calm me down.

05-17-2012, 07:33 AM
Thank you to all who replied. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one. The bottom line is that anxiety sucks and so do ALL of its symptoms :(.