View Full Version : Always feel dehydrated and instantly panic

05-15-2012, 09:06 AM
Okay. I've stopped having panic attacks and I've gotten through lack of eating but now I have a really obscure sleeping pattern where 4am is usually bed time. That also affects when i eat too but overall i think i eat sufficient. But it affects my ability of when I think need water and then i just get really dehydrated i am scared i am going to faint or it will affect my lungs and it will affect my heart that I will die. I've probably had two glasses of water today and drunk a bit of coke and i've eaten sufficient but I never have had that much water that I can think of during a standard day and I've never felt that dehydrated. Although when I am out and about I tend to drink alot more water because my body craves it more but when I am house bound which is a 5 or 6 day a week thing then It really affects me. Has anyone had a similar thing and what did you do to maintain it?

I think i am getting towards the end of my anxiety but now i've just hit a hurdle

05-15-2012, 09:10 AM
My prob is similar , slightly differs though .
I am constantly drinking water throughout the night & then going to the bathroom up to 10 times every night .
This has been going on for a long long time . I'm ok during the day , but as soon as I try to go to sleep , IT STARTS !! .

I have no idea why :-(

05-15-2012, 09:15 AM
My prob is similar , slightly differs though .
I am constantly drinking water throughout the night & then going to the bathroom up to 10 times every night .
This has been going on for a long long time . I'm ok during the day , but as soon as I try to go to sleep , IT STARTS !! .

I have no idea why :-(

I'd rather be in your position than mine. At least your getting sufficient water but being obsessive over something causes a different type of stress and they are all bad.