View Full Version : Hypochondria

05-15-2012, 01:06 AM
K I'm so tired of worrying. Like I have a cold right now with a cough and it hurts on the left side to swallow suddenly along with an itchy ear. Now NORMALLY you could just say " well I have a virus" but no no I'm getting all panicky that I have a tumor in my throat. I wish I could just relax but I can't!!!!! Along with this I have a pea sized lump in my right cheek which is usually there but not as big and it's tender. Prolly just a lymph node being that I am sick? Or cheek cancer???

05-15-2012, 02:57 AM
I get lymph nodes in my cheek and under my armpit wen I'm really run down and tired so that's wot it will b just try to relax xx

05-15-2012, 08:54 AM
Thank you I'm waiting for it to go down in my cheek for now. Just panic so much about that kind of stuff. At least I'm not the only one wio has the cheek lump

05-15-2012, 09:01 AM
Hypocondria is normal for me and a big part of my anxiety, Usually when you have too much time to yourself you start feeling around your body and you notice something different and you automatically think it's bad. That's from my experience. You have days where you feel good but other days you could feel run down but that also says that your body needs a break and to just relax and not panic. have a sleep if you feel like it. Forums like these can put your mind at ease. If it's prolonging don't panic but see a doctor just as a pre-caution so you can heal the quickest time possible and feel happy in the quickest time possible.