View Full Version : medications..

05-14-2012, 05:52 PM
Im really thinking about trying to start taking something for anxiety..currently I just have a family doc..no psych...what do you all find to be the best anxiety medicine?

05-14-2012, 07:15 PM
There are a lot to choose from...and sometimes you have to try a few to get the right fit. I was VERY reluctant to take any meds for years, and honestly, my anxiety just got worse as time went on. I have tried Lexapro, which didn't work for me and now I am taking Buspar and just recently added Zoloft, just a small amount. I also have alprazolam ( generic xanax) on hand if I have a serious panic attack.

05-14-2012, 07:20 PM
Zoloft has worked fairly well for me, although I have had some side effects. I have heard good things about Prozac and Lexapro too. I have heard bad things about Paxil, so that is one I would avoid. Not a doctor, this is just from experience. I would definetly recommend talking to a psychiatrist tho.

05-15-2012, 12:41 PM
I have tried different stuff but only Phenibut works well for me, no side effects. Just two pills every morning, but in the past I took two pills before bed as well.

05-20-2012, 06:47 AM
Avoid paxil, the withdrawal effects are pure evil. I just wrote a post about getting help withdrawing from the damn thing. You go to hell and back.

05-20-2012, 09:01 AM
Im really thinking about trying to start taking something for anxiety..currently I just have a family doc..no psych...what do you all find to be the best anxiety medicine?

I don't think you should be asking "strangers" these kinds of questions. You should leave it to your doctor to make suggestions.

On a more general note:
I know it's hard but you should try to avoid medication.
If you think about it, it's not difficult to realise that medication is just masking or calming the underlying condition.
If indeed you have anxiety disorder, then this isn't a physical problem that requires medication to cure it. It's a cognitive problem that requires a correction in the way you think.
Meds can alter the way you think, but it's temporary / is messing with your biology and is not the right way forward in my opinion.

If you HAVE to take meds then ensure you stay in control of them. Resist them as much as you can and ONLY take when absolutely necessary (e.g. a VERY bad attack)

Just my opinion.