View Full Version : Scared of exercising

05-14-2012, 05:28 PM
Does anyone else have a fear of exercise or is it just me? Even though I got the clearance from
My cardiologist, I just feel that there is a
Possibility that I could just pass out and die. This anxiety is killing me. I am eating more healthy but want to start exercising

05-14-2012, 05:51 PM
That's fairly common to feel like that. I don't exercise because it gives me similar feelings to a panic attack- increases heart rate, sweating, too hot etc. But not all exercise has to be a major cardio workout. You could try gentle exercise that doesn't increase your heart rate too much like swimming, walking or yoga. It's so hard to get over a fear like this but you have been told your heart is healthy so keep that in mind and take baby steps with exercise. The more you do it then you'll see that it won't kill you, you're heart will be fine and eventually your mind will see that exercising is not dangerous.

05-14-2012, 06:56 PM
Randomly I like to exercise, totally get where your coming from, I always carry sugar stuff with me in case I feel dizzy. The bike is a good one as your sitting lol that's my excuse anyway but exercise increases the 'happy chemical' in your brain so once you've done half an hour you'll feel pretty empowered :)

05-14-2012, 07:01 PM
Yes, what buttercup says. Realize what the fear is, chemically.

Right now, you have a fear of exercise, because you have a connection in your brain right now that says "If I exercise, I might pass out and die". That's ok, lots of people have similar fears. Nothing wrong with that! Just not the best connection we could have there right now, right? So a better one would be, "If I exercise, nothing bad will happen. In fact, good things will happen".

The way it works in the brain is, when you encounter a stressor or something that we fear (in your case, exercise, or more specifically, the physical effects of exercise), the brain sees the fear and initiates the fight-or-flight response: "This is dangerous, and the danger must be eliminated or escaped from". Adrenaline is released, you are put into a state of fear and high-alert because of this, and the natural reaction is to stop exercising. Of course! I would too, anyone would.

So what we have to do is retrain the brain to have a new connection. What just happened did nothing but solidify the brain's current understanding that "exercise = dangerous, and when we stopped exercising, we felt better. Thus, exercise is indeed a danger." That's where the fear comes from.

The only way to really prove to your brain that exercise is safe is to do it and afterwards see that nothing bad happened.

The easiest way to do this would be to, as Buttercup suggested, start easy! Forget running or jogging. Don't even think power-walking. Just think gentle walks through the park. stop at a bench and feed the birds. Just get outside at first and enjoy the fresh air. Let's get some new connections started! "Outside and walking feels good and makes me calmer" will easily form better understandings of exercise for your brain. Maybe after a couple weeks you can start walking with more purpose, for 30 mins every other day perhaps. But the important thing really is baby steps. And who can complain? I like baby steps, they're easy.

Good luck!

05-14-2012, 08:59 PM
exercise has always been my friend. Start out very slowly!! 5 -10 mins on a exercise bike-- pace is conversational-- you can easily carry on a conversation without running out of breath. Then go to 12 mins EOD. in 4 months you will be doing an hour!!!

seriously-- exercise is your friend!! start with aerobic exercises then go to strength conditioning!!!!! you will love it!!!

05-14-2012, 10:01 PM
You have it mixed up. You will die younger if you don't exercise. Exercise is what helps you live. Getting your heart to beat faster for a certain amount of time, is how you make your heart stronger. It's like saying you are scared to stop eating fast food and eat broccoli because the broccoli may kill you.

Put on your game face and hit the gym!

Start off slow and work your way up.

05-14-2012, 10:05 PM
are you exercising with someone else, as not being alone. That might help! I think any remedy for phobia applies here.