View Full Version : worried about tomorrow

05-14-2012, 03:49 AM
as excited and nervous as i have been about the community treatment team coming tomorrow.
i am now shitting myself!

for a few weeks, i've been worrying about my weight.
i have just checked my bmi and it is 16.4

now i know that is low, but i have been a lot lower. my lowest has been 15.3 at which point i was made to be bedbound to avoid hospitalisation.

i'm just really worrying about this team of people. what if they think 16.4 is too low and put me in hospital.
what about my kids!?!? i know my partner is here, but still :(
i really don't want to go into hospital!

this is my 'normal' weight. it's not very often i get any higher than this. it's also not very often i go much lower - just when under huge amount of stress

do you think they will?

05-14-2012, 06:00 AM
I had the same problem as you. Due to anxiety over the last month of so, I dropped to only .5 kg (1 lb) over the weight I was hospitalized at.

I was SO nervous about seeing my psych. He is an ED specialist and I knew he'd call me on it straight away. I explained it was the anxiety, not deliberate food restriction.

He was very understanding and explained that whilst anxiety is playing a role in my life, I'm burning off all my calories very quickly. I had to promise to only exercise moderately and I have been able to eat a lot better to gain 4lbs back - which makes me feel a lot safer.

Good luck honey.

05-14-2012, 06:01 AM
Ps. I bought a toilet training kit for my cats today off eBay and I totally thought of you!!
(don't want to give you any ideas!)

05-14-2012, 10:13 AM
thanx for that :) well, mine hasn't been food restriction. sometimes it has, obviously. but the majority of the time(lately anyway), i think i eat quite well...my anxiety just gets in the way.

i'm trying to push the whole 'tomorrow' thing out of my mind. the kids are helping somewhat. i guess games will finish off the rest when the kids go to bed.

as for the toilet training for cats - it is brilliant! i only have one toilet though so i wouldn't really want to be using the same toilet as them lol

i haven't ordered anything for a couple of days now. still waiting on a few deliveries though!
so far, so good! hopefully it stays that way come payday!
let me know how you get one with the toilet training! it's supposed to work really well, so fingers crossed for you!