View Full Version : Worrying about things you "might" have done?

05-14-2012, 01:34 AM
Hi all. I have researched anxiety a lot lately. I know I have it, of course, because I have all the traditional symptoms and have been on anxiety medicine for a long time. Well lately it is getting even worse. For me, I imagine things that I "could have done" and reflect on them so much. For instance, if I am driving my car and I see someone riding a bike on the side of the road, I worry a few minutes later that I hit them. Of course I know I didn't, but the "what if" is still in my mind. I think I have a huge fear of going to prison because I grew up in a house of prison guards. The fear of going to jail and messing up my life always terrified me and still does. Does anyone else worry about things they know they didn't really do? The bad part is, sometimes I actually convince myself I did things that I really didn't do, and I sit and deliberate for hours/days/months about if I did it or not. The truth becomes clouded and I convince myself I did bad things.

Please, tell me if I'm the only one who does this. And also what can I do to calm myself down? I literally throw up sometimes worrying so much.