View Full Version : I've been fine all dayyyyyy!!!

05-13-2012, 04:37 PM
Ugh I was pretty much anxiety free today.. enjoying my mothers day..now all of a sudden outta no where here comes my shortness of breath...sometimes I'm asking myself tho...how can I tell if my shortness of breath is anxiety related or something serious?!?

05-13-2012, 05:25 PM
I need to snap out of it. I'm not satisfied until I get a satisfying deep breath...and I freak until I get one...and my mom says Sarah who needs to take deep breaths all the time..she's right...who needs deep breaths all the time!!!!

05-14-2012, 08:29 PM
Agree with Kev.

Just accept that you need to catch that deep breath. Don't fight it. Just say to yourself, ok, I just need a deeper breath, it's just my old friend anxiety. Then go on with your life and it will pass.

Observe it at first, accept it, then give your attention to other things


05-14-2012, 08:59 PM
OMG! What you are describing is totally what I am going thru. Mine started around January with the feeling I could not get a deep breath as well. Also had palpitations as well. One morning, getting ready for work it got so bad I called 911. Needless to say I was checked out , couldn't find anything wrong. I went to see my Internist and was given vistaril, which sucks, no help whatsoever. I have been going thru some major life changing events since Sept., and think it finally just caught up with me. I have been seeing a psychiatrist now for 2.5 months and was started on Prozac and klonipin. It has helped me tremendously, but I still have days when I feel like its starting all over again. I talk myself out of it and pop a klonipin and I'm fine. Hang in there

05-14-2012, 10:12 PM
Go to the Doctor and have it checked.

One time I hurt my back lifting weights. After several weeks I walked down to the hospital and had them check me out. I was afraid I had destroyed my lower back/vertebra. after the Doctor checked me out, he told me the muscles were tight and sore. I ask him about the chance of permanent injury. He laughed and told me my back was fine. My muscles were the problem. I could not have walked if I had a real back problem. I didn't know that!. I was to naive. You are probably the same as me. In your case, Its probably just anxiety. However, have it checked.

05-14-2012, 11:13 PM
I also suffer from shortness of breath, palpitaion. Tried different methods of curing including antideprresants. There are times when I feel normal as if everything is ok, this happens mostly during family occassions like barbeque or the like. But there are times as well ( like today's) when the anxiety does not want to leave me. I've started to read the book "why it's so hard to believe in God". I've read this book three or four times already and find the reading sort of relieving when symptoms diminish. In parralel I have taken Fenibut (the only medicine that helps me and taking it does not manifest in a chest lump.

05-15-2012, 09:26 AM
I get that too. I know it's hard not to question your health when your having such alarming symptoms,but that is just anxiety. Try to stop the thought process that makes you automatically think there's something wrong with you other then that because it's false. You are just stressed mentally and physically. Once the stress subsides you won't be in situations where you feel fine and all of a sudden are having breathing problems.