View Full Version : I've betrayed my sister

05-13-2012, 03:19 PM
This happened about four years ago when I was thirteen. Basically, I went on a taxi to school with some other people from the same school. There was this one guy who knew my sister a while ago at a previous school he went to. When he asked how she was doing, I said the usual things, and then I told him how she was smoking weed at the time. I know I was young, so I guess I didn't see the problem in telling him. Only thing is, I accidentally said the wrong drug, making it sound much worse than it really was. I said some drug like cocaine, or something of equal effect. Naturally, he seemed shocked, but I didn't initially see my mistake. The thing is, I can't remember whether or not I later realized my mistake and told him, or if he still thinks that today. I've betrayed my sister, but how can I make it up to her now. That guy wouldn't tell anyone about what I said, but still, I don't want him thinking that it's true, because it's not. Should I send him a message on facebook and tell him about my mistake, or should I do something else.

05-13-2012, 04:34 PM
I think if it will help you feel better, email him and let him know....but honestly, it was 4 years ago, and he probably won't remember the incident.