View Full Version : Vision Problems

05-13-2012, 01:13 PM
Do any of you have very weird vision??
For the past year if had floaters and bright swirly shit in my vision but now i also have different things going on such as..

When i look at something moving its very streaky (if that makes any sense)
people and different things have halos around there body when i look at them, so do lights
sometimes things move when they actually aren't, for example i look at a digital clock and the numbers start bouncing around.
when i look at something that has some type of pattern it makes me dizzy and its very blurry
when i look at something then look away i see the visions from before in white (again if that makes sense)
when i look at something for a second or two then close my eyes i can also see the outlines of the image i was just looking at.
when im waking and looking down its like there's a strobe light on in a way that my vision is very choppy. goes from image to image.
lastly, today every time i would open my eyes there would be a circle in the center of my vision and then a bunch of lines around the circle. almost like the circle was my pupils and the lines were the vessels in my eyes.
also my eyes a red alot

yeah so all of this is scaring the shit out of me. and again its been going on for a year and people keep telling me i have anxiety but i feel like the only reason i have anxiety is because of whats happening to me. if anyone has any input please feel free to reply. thanks everyone

05-13-2012, 01:39 PM
I have vision problems on a daily basis, my eyesight is fine I had them checked a few weeks ago , things look brighter to me and also hazy quite a lot , it's almost like I'm swaying aswel a lot ov the time like I'm on a boat, it's the most annoying symptom ov anxiety I have, it's been going on about 9 months now

05-13-2012, 02:31 PM
Lol. Sounds like me right now been a couple of days. Ow and everywhere I look or walk it feels like I'm swaying in a boat or if I look really fast or even slow at something It seems like it starts to twist and turn a little even though I know it's not or like my eyes try to make out where exactly the object is.. Lol and then if you look at it without moving it stays there... Haha kinda scary but
hopefully its just anxiety cause I been to the doctors and gotta a lot of tests done and they said I'm fine but this feeling is new... Glad to hear I'm not alone though

05-13-2012, 09:40 PM
I'm not even taking medication and it's been happening to me... Ima go into the doctors tommorw and see if he can figure out why I'm so dizzy and off balance all day... I also have this weird pressure like feeling in my forehead I've had an MRI and nothing showed so Im happy with that but I hate this objects turning and kinda moving when I know there not really moving

05-14-2012, 01:41 PM
yeah i have the same type pressure on my head as well, like im wearing a hat all day. But yeah i also want to get an mri but i dont wanna spend the money if i there probably isnt anything wrong with me.

05-14-2012, 07:04 PM
Have you gotten your eyes checked by the eye doctor... If your concerned about it and any changes in vision would be best checked... That way you will know that it is nothing and not have to worry about it- I know it is easier said than done for believing nothing is wrong but just for peace of mind ...

05-18-2012, 11:18 PM
yeah im going to see the eye doctors soon. i just have trouble believing anxiety can cause this type of thing to happen

05-19-2012, 05:42 AM
i too suffer from vision problems and dizziness and am hoping to put it down to anxiety but we will see

05-19-2012, 01:30 PM
Anxiety has caused me all kinds of eye and vision problems and it has become a cycle that is hard to break. The more anxiety I have the more eye problems I have, like hazy vision, dry eyes and light sensitivity. Then the more vision problems I have the more " YOU GUESSED IT" anxiety I have. Bye the way this is my first time on this forum and it is great to know that I am not alone with this deep depression and anxiety. Sometimes it is the thought that you are in this all alone that is the worst part..

05-21-2012, 01:02 PM
Yeah this is what i was looking for the same thing has bin happening to me with my vision scary as hell but i know its my health anxitey well im just hopin lol

07-10-2012, 04:51 PM
I have had a new sensitivity to light as well (in the past 5 days). It's not all light, but when I look at fluorescent lights they look really bright and crisp. Also, at night when I drive the headlights are so bright and intense that I have had to wear sunglasses to decrease the sensitivity. It freaks me out, and spons some anxiety. I am getting it looked into tomorrow. Maybe I am just more sensitive now. Maybe a side effect of Celexa, xanax, or Klonopin? Any similar experiences?

cat eyes
07-10-2012, 05:47 PM
I take celexa too. I wonder if that can cause the vision issues we have.

07-11-2012, 12:52 AM
Do any of you have very weird vision??
For the past year if had floaters and bright swirly shit in my vision but now i also have different things going on such as..

When i look at something moving its very streaky (if that makes any sense)
people and different things have halos around there body when i look at them, so do lights
sometimes things move when they actually aren't, for example i look at a digital clock and the numbers start bouncing around.
when i look at something that has some type of pattern it makes me dizzy and its very blurry
when i look at something then look away i see the visions from before in white (again if that makes sense)
when i look at something for a second or two then close my eyes i can also see the outlines of the image i was just looking at.
when im waking and looking down its like there's a strobe light on in a way that my vision is very choppy. goes from image to image.
lastly, today every time i would open my eyes there would be a circle in the center of my vision and then a bunch of lines around the circle. almost like the circle was my pupils and the lines were the vessels in my eyes.
also my eyes a red alot

yeah so all of this is scaring the shit out of me. and again its been going on for a year and people keep telling me i have anxiety but i feel like the only reason i have anxiety is because of whats happening to me. if anyone has any input please feel free to reply. thanks everyone

Hi Bec,

I can honestly say that you have nothing to worry about with floaters. As annoying as they are... as much as they make you want to scream and as much as they scare you. You have nothing to worry about :) I am 25, but when I was 15/16 I have a very bad episode with my anxiety where I convinced my self I was going blind... all because of floaters. I had my eyes checked about 20 times and they where fine. I mean I am short sighted so my vision will never be perfect. But floaters... you don't have to worry about them. The only thing you have to do is try and ignore them. Its hard I know... I must have 1000's. Worse when I look at bright things, white walls etc... I even have clusters of them so they look black.

This is just my advise though... I spent so long worrying about them that it ruined a lot of my life. Made me so depressed all the time... but how I see it now is, I am 25 and I still have my sight, the opticians still say my eyes are fine (except for the short sightedness).

I hope this helps.

07-11-2012, 01:28 AM
I've had my fair share of anxiety related symptoms, but fortunately for me I've never had vision or head problems.

However, on a more general note - I've experienced like white sparkles randomly shooting around in normal, everyday life when I've
just coughed really hard. For example, during times of having a bad cold.

I'm told this is just a short lived aggitation of the optic nerve and is of course nothing to worry about (as long as it disappears)

Floaters are usually caused the vitreous gel drying up, dislodging and then literally floating about in your eyeball.
This drying up occurs naturally as we age.

I would imagine that anxiety-driven body inbalances could cause such a symptom (I note someone mentioned "dry eyes" further up)

07-11-2012, 01:20 PM
I get instances where things appear brighter also. It's almost like things become cartoon like. It comes and goes just as quickly as it came. I have poor eyesight anyway, but I just link it to my anxiety. Probably just what adrenaline does to your eyesight.

07-11-2012, 02:17 PM
Thanks for all of the replies. I know it is probably just a little hic-up in my anxiety, and maybe the medicine does have something to do with it, but I have no pain in my eyes, or headaches from the lights, so I is probably just psychosomatic. I went to my internal medicine doc today, and he is going to switch me to Effexor XR to see if it will help with the general anxiety. Anyone taking this SNRI?


10-15-2013, 07:22 AM
Were you able to find any answers to your vision issues? I am experiencing the choppy type vision too.