View Full Version : Ive been told its psychological.... does anyone else know what it is?!

05-13-2012, 09:15 AM
I have been waiting all my life to find answers....
I apparently have psychological damage from childhood trauma. When my dad left my mum when i was 2 years old so began the process...
I 'hug' myself as we call it. Basically i fold my arms squeeze myself and aparently look like a fruit loop when I do it. I have no control over it and barely recognise when I do it... Ive been told its psychological and it wont ever go away. Ive been told that it is bascally a way for my body to seal in good emotions (because it only happens when Im happy or thinking about something that makes me happy) and that until I replace the 'hugging' with real emotion it wont ever leave... I dont get it.. i have the best family ever, friends and a super supportive boyfriend and I STILL do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It gives me the s**** !! theres some times where it actually hurts my arms and wrists doing it...

Can anyone PLEASE tell me if it IS psychological? If not what the hell is it?? and preferably how to stop it...
Ive been doing it since I was two and its been the source of ridicule, bullying and employment failure all my life....

Please.... help me... i dont want it to screw my life up anymore.... or start causing anyone who supports me to be ridiculed because Im a freak.. :s

P.S Ive suffered long term (2-3 years) stress and anxiety disorder too... ive had all the tests... the hugging is nothing to do with it, it doesnt actually do me any physical damage (it sure hurts though!!) and ive been told by several doctors its not something that medication can fix...

So confused.. and sick of endless ridicule!!!

05-15-2012, 09:47 AM
Hey Kev

Ive been trying to find out for years EXACTLY what triggers it but so far I only do it when im HAPPY.....

How can I find a better way to handle my happiness? I already do a few things like right stories, draw, write song lyrics and poems... so far nothing has stopped it at all....

Yes its a habit :P And thank you for believing that I can change it.... im doing the best I can...

But any ideas on how else I can fix it would be much appreciated... no one has ever been able to give me any psyical ways of preventing it that has at all worked...

Thank you for all the help you have given me

Id be happy to offer any advice I can to you if you need it
