View Full Version : Quitting smoking and anxiety

05-13-2012, 12:11 AM
I'm trying to quit smoking but the anxiety that I already have has heightened immensely. I'm also having leg weakness and really bad headaches. Has anyone else on here quit smoking and had their anxiety heightened bc of it? Or the muscle weakness? And how long did it last? I really want to quit as my anxiety stems from a feeling of dying, so I figure what better way to help that than to quit smoking right. :-)

05-13-2012, 12:16 AM
Personally I couldn't imagine quitting while dealing with anxiety.

If you have ever tried to quit even while relatively calm, it can be hellish. Tons of odd physical symptoms, feeling antsy, aggressive, and just totally whacked out. None of those would be good to deal with while already anxious.

I'd recommend either trying to cut down how many you smoke a day, or look into an electronic cigarette. Some out there get rave reviews and get you the nicotine without any tar, etc.