View Full Version : Hormone/Chemical Imbalances

05-12-2012, 10:51 PM
Hello all, I was wondering if there are any of you with anxiety who have symptoms as a result of having a hormonal imbalance. I'm trying to figure out where this came/comes from since I now know I don't have a thyroid issue or any serious medical reason for having panic attacks. I had my second child 5 months ago and know some women experience crazy hormonal issues post-partum. I have had everything from "heart disease" to "M.S" and continue to self-diagnose. Anyone know anything about the association between whacked-out hormones and anxiety?

05-14-2012, 03:46 PM
I can't really help with any insight I can only tell you that you are not alone! My anxiety issues started after my first child was born continued with my second child and remain with me today. At first I thought that it was hormones or my bad thyroid but all of those things are in check now and yet my anxiety still remains!