View Full Version : Am I the only one

05-11-2012, 09:57 PM
Hey everyone I'm new to this site so I'm not sure if anyone will read this although I hope someone does. I'm not sure if it's anxiety I have but after smoking weed for the past two years I felt something wasn't right with me and I would research all the different types of mental illnesses to see if one suited me. At first I thought asperger's syndrome(that was a weird stage of my life) but snapped out of that and after thinking the same about many other mental illnesses, anxiety seems to fit me best.

Has anyone or does anyone else ever do this?
Research every type of mental illness out there to see if you might have something happening to you that shouldn't be?

I'm a pretty shy kind of person. I'm a male. I like to do my hair and stuff up to look good otherwise i don't feel confident talking to anyone, be it friend or random person. I constantly think something is wrong with me mentally, not so much physically. I don't smoked weed anymore(quit over a month ago now ) when I talk to people I always feel like I'm boring and im just going to be perceived as boring, although I do have many friends and many people come up to me. I sometimes find it hard to think straight and problem solve, especially at work sometimes( I'm a manager).

But to the point, does anyone else do this? Constantly worry about their mental health and be fine with everything else? Does this seem normal that I do? Does it seem like anxiety or could it be something else?

05-12-2012, 12:50 AM
The first rule of anxiety is to not google or research symptoms or illnesses. Your mind will run wild and it will greatly contribute to your anxiety.

Your issues don't sound incredibly bad. Everyone deals with those issues to some extent. If it is bothersome, talk to a therapist and start working through them.

Definitely stay off the weed though. I smoked for years and had a huge panic attack one night which set off my panic disorder. It can be good for some people, and not for others.