View Full Version : Uncompensated labrynthitis for last 7 months

05-11-2012, 08:34 PM
I've been battling anxiety ever since something buggered my ears. Just as they started to heal I started getting dizzy. Hence the crippling anxiety! You try being dizzy every day. I e had a ct head bloodwork eng you name it and the docs haven't found anything. I'm the one who came across the uncompensated lab illness and apparently it comes with all this crap that I've been dealing with. I'm trying to start learning to live with it as I know the docs Dont understand and just chalk it up to anxiety but it starts with certain head movements which then triggers the panic button. Now lately I feel like I'm in another world all the time and always get weird head sensations. Obviously anxiety makes it worse. But this is the weird part. If I take an Ativan I feel fine all day with no dizzys!! So does that mean its not my ears from a past once infection and make it anxiety? Anyone ever heard of this? I need help moving on as the docs can't help me.

05-11-2012, 09:19 PM
I had labyrinthitis about 7 years ago and have had effects from it ever since. My balance is not great, I now suffer from motion sickness and get vertigo if I move my head too quickly or tilt my head back too far. Whenever i get these sensations of dizziness it gives me a fright and I feel really weird and freaked out. I have learned to live with them but during periods of stress and heightened anxiety these odd feelings can be enough to trigger a panic attack.
Inner ear problems cam give similar feelings of dizziness to a panic attack which in turn can trigger more anxiety. It's like as soon as you feel a bit dizzy your brain and body goes straight into fight or flight mode as it associates these feelings with times of anxiety. So perhaps the inner ear problems you had are still lingering and therefore causing the panic.
Have you seen a therapist to tall through this with them and learn coping strategies? It's almost like you need to re-train your brain and therapy can really help with that.

05-11-2012, 09:48 PM
Nope the doctors didn't think the way it all happened was by the book so they didn't think it was lab. Well some did some didn't. But as soon as the anxiety came to play it was so easy for them to cast it all off as anxiety. I tried a psych he was awful and closed my file. He is the ONLY one in town that deals with anxiety believe it or not. The others were 150/hour and really all I want is answers and for the feeling to go away.

It helps what you've said though because it only comes on with certain head movements and mainly to the right and up or down. My ears still get weird sensations and some tinnitus but at least I can hear. I'm just so afraid to move. I hate the fear and Instant panic it brings on. I feel like I just need to learn to cope and move on. But it's just not happening. The weird head sensations then panic and being on edge and stiff all the time! I just hate it. Any other insight please share!

05-11-2012, 09:53 PM
Oh and did you get lingering war trouble as well? Did they treat you with anything? And what were your symptoms when it came on if you don't mind me asking? I figure anything that's gone on this long and hasn't killed me it has to be this diagnosis.

05-12-2012, 10:56 AM
Oh and did you get lingering war trouble as well? Did they treat you with anything? And what were your symptoms when it came on if you don't mind me asking? I figure anything that's gone on this long and hasn't killed me it has to be this diagnosis.

I got betahistine (anti vertigo drug) tablets from the doctor which helped with the dizziness. I took them for about 3 mnths until the worst of the symptoms subsided. When it first came on my head felt really foggy and I almost felt like I was drunk, I couldn't walk in a straight line and the room would spin when I turned my head. I also felt like my head was underwater in regards to my hearing. When it happened I was in an anxiety free period of my life but I do feel it brought anxiety on as I became scared of getting so dizzy in public that I'd fall down. Subsequently I saw a psychologist who I'd seen previously and I worked through some feelings with her. I saw her on the NHS so it was free.
As I said, I still get vertigo attacks if I move my head suddenly and they are scary but I seem to be able to deal with it a bit better now. It does flair up as well if I have a cold or am really tired. My ears still don't feel right either.
This certainly won't kill you but it's a horrible and frightening feeling. It's ashame that the docs you have seen have not been very helpful. Maybe you could try get an app with a different doctor? You'll also see here that loads of folk on this forum suffer from dizziness. Sometimes knowing you're not alone can help x

05-12-2012, 11:03 PM
Do you also have a ringing in yours ears? I've been having these dizzy spells as well and have seen an ear, nose and throat doctor with no real results. (They tried the Epley Maneuver on me and it did no good)

05-13-2012, 01:16 PM
When it first started I had tinnitus so bad I felt like I had to wear earplugs. Now they ring at night when it's quiet. Just the motion of moving my head up or down bothers my motion sensitivity. It's terrible!