View Full Version : BAD DAY :*(

01-19-2007, 08:48 PM
I've really decided I want to be more positive and i want to try to take control of my axiety- i was feeling really good until i got in the car with my boyfriend to drive 2 and 1/2 hours to his house- something about being in the car freaks me out- i think i just feel trapped or extra nervous about everything- like if something were to happen to me I would have no where to go! The past couple days i have had the worst tension headache as well- it runs up my neck then basically all over me head- even causing my head to have these weird tingles- which is creppy- So of course during the car ride i thought i was going to have a stroke :(
I know i need to chill out because I am putting so much strain on my body worrying about eveything that could go wrong with my health and i am only 21 years old! I feel like even though i know it's anxiety and nothing else at times that doesn't matter i cannot stop it!
*my other ongoing problem is my pain that is in my lower right adomen/ upper thigh (almost) It's a weird feeling that has been going on for months-it's like below my hip bone in my adomen and has been pretty constant- i've gotten some tests done to rule out my appendix then i was told it could be cysts but nothing has been proved- I have been getting so many tests with no answers and it's getting costly (even though my parents said they would spend all the money in the world to make me feel better) I feel so bad. I just don't understand what it is- whether it could be a torn muslce, an ulcer, cancer?!, hernia, cysts, you name it i've looked it up and it's on my mind. I've gotten a cat can and ultrasounds done -neither showed anything- what should i do next?! :(

V for Victor
01-19-2007, 08:56 PM
Hmmm. Is it possible you're claustraphobic? Do tight spaces bother you in general, or just the car?

I can feel for you. I hate traveling through the middle of nowhere in a car, because I'm always thinking, "Oh my, where is the nearest hospital if I need one? How will 911 know where I'm at if I need them?!"

I dunno what the solution for that is, unfortunately. I guess carry a cell phone, laptop with Google maps, and drive safe!! :)

01-19-2007, 10:35 PM
I did the same thing. I got ultrasounds, spent one night in the hospital for appendix observations, had an enama that hurt like hell where they put water and then ran dye, and had multiple female examinations and nothing. Nothing was wrong according to them. They still don't know. I wonder what it is to this day.

01-20-2007, 09:46 AM
victor- no i do not have a problem with all tight spaces it just seems to be the car- even before i get in the car i start to think about how i will probably have a panic attack on the way here or there...it's so annoying but i don't know how to stop it. I too, keep my cell phone close and usually call my mom during the ride because she always calms me down and kinda tells me how absurb i am being and i definitely need that from time to time!

stressedntexas- so do you still have abdomen/pelvic pain? I am beginning to wonder if i could have pulled a muscle there or something...it's just so annoying not to feel normal!

01-20-2007, 07:52 PM
Honestly, I think it's a muscle. If you're anything like me, I tense up and find my body tense in the most unusual places. My stomach even tightens. (I wish I could get an anxiety six pack :tongue: ) Usually it's my shoulders, arms and hands, but I think it was a muscle. Also, my gyno said that if you HAD a ruptured cist it may not show, but could create somewhat of a fluid sac (sorry for the gory details) that drips back into your body and when that happens, it causes pain.

In addition to having anxiety and recently discovered OCD, I'm a hypochondriac. I've been to the doctor/hospital about 22 times in the past 12 months. Evidently, I'm the "picture of health" but I sure as hell don't see myself that way. :)

01-20-2007, 08:48 PM
haha- i know what you mean about the hospital! I have talked myself out of going so many times- but if i went with my first instinct i would probably be there everyday!
thanks for your reply- I guess I will just try to wait it out- the pain isn't that bad- it is more annoying than anything because it just won't go away! I hope it is just a muscle- i have gotten massages a couple times and the lady told me I was the most tense person she has ever seen- if she could see how much i worry about eveything she would know why :)
once again thanks!

01-20-2007, 10:48 PM
Yeah, my doctor told me that I needed to get a deep tissue and a relaxation massage once a week for 6 weeks. I was like, "What am I? Paris Hilton?" Like that will help my anxiety and my shoulders will feel better, but hell...now I can't pay my rent!!!!! LOL!