View Full Version : meds not working?

05-11-2012, 04:42 AM
ok, so my anxiety seems to have gone. well, it's there every now and then, but no where near as bad as before.
i'm wondering though, although they're working on my anxiety. i've developed new-ish symptoms.

they aren't new, because i've had them many times before. but i thought the meds would also help with the other things too??

my obsessions are still here! its moved onto plants now. my kitchen is now full of plants.
i don't know if it's hoarding, or obsessions. maybe both, i don't know.
i can see there's a problem developing (or already), especially since my family are commenting.

the other thing is my spending. i don't know how to stop.
it seems like the feelings i used to get when googling symptoms, has now gone over to amazon.
i seem to do quite well, with the window shopping. then i end up clicking to buy...then i feel bad.

i'm seeing the CTT on the 15th so i'll explain all of this to them. i was just hoping maybe, i don't know...somebody else deals with this, or has any idea what it is, and why?
is it anxiety that makes me feel the need to know what my problem is??

05-11-2012, 08:10 AM
Sound like an little OCD to me ....maybe. Luvox or most any ssri would help that but. Alankay.

05-11-2012, 09:03 AM
thanx alankay

the doctor put me on zoloft to help deal with the obsessions too...
maybe i need to boost up to the 100mg? roll on the 15th. not long to go!

05-11-2012, 02:46 PM
thanx kev.
i completely agree with you that meds don't fix the problems. i've only got until tuesday, and they i can get further help in understanding why i do these things..and most importantly, help on how to correct them all!

at the moment though, i don't know where to start, or even how to start.
even the delivery driver said he'll see me tomorrow!
he probably will :|