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05-10-2012, 09:38 PM
Hi all,

My name is Tom and I am 18 years old and bound for the University of Pittsburgh in the fall. My story begins in late March when in Biology class when we watched a video about Schizophrenia. Something about that video stuck with me, but I didn't think much of it. A few days later, I had my first panic attack and I felt like I was going crazy/Schizo. Ever since I have been dogged with the fear I will go Schizo, despite the fact I have been told by psychiatrists, psychologists, and even my mother (who is a neurologist) that this is not happening to me. I was prescribed Zoloft and taking 50mg a day and it worked well until a few weeks ago. I have felt depressed, like I am unable to focus, and I feel like I can't think clearly. I think it is just a combination of stress of AP tests and lack of sleep, but I'm just praying i can get control of this anxiety. Thanks for reading and any advice would be greatly appreciated.