View Full Version : Are all these symptoms Anxiety or Physical ?

05-10-2012, 07:10 PM
Hi, sorry to post again, Im just nevous and worried sick. After getting a rootcanal and crown yesterday, my dentist shaved off some of the crown and I could feel myself having the blood rush to my head when I told him NOT to touch it again , but he said . too bad, and began working on it. Thats when it all began at that very moment. Then when I got home, I have had non stop heaviness in my jaw, like Im holding it up, my tongue feels way out of place and swollen , like its too big for my mouth , headache, body twitching , arm pain, dry mouth , frequent unination and tightness of the throat.

Is this anxiety or physical ? Iam going to see a dentist in the morning, but is this anxiety maybe ?

Thanks so much!

05-10-2012, 10:00 PM
Your symptoms sound like they could be a combination of anxiety and the end result of your dentist's work. It's common to have some of the things you mentioned that are in and around your mouth, but the body twitches, arm pain, etc sound more like anxiety. If the body symptoms don't subside by morning, you may want to consult your physician about them. As for the feelings in your mouth, those may be around for a few days depending upon how much work was done and whether or not it was done correctly.

Best of luck to you. I hope the body symptoms go away and the dentist is able to fix your teeth.