View Full Version : New to anxiety..

Jen Victoria Macdonald
05-10-2012, 01:16 PM
Hello.. I am 21 and about to graduate from University. I have always lived a normal, happy life and not let much bother me in general. Recently I have been getting bad spells of what I think is Anxiety. I have felt low for around 4-5 months now, where I think I'm going to die or some horrible disease (whether it be cancer, brain tumor, blood clot) and then I start to search on the internet if I get certain symptoms, then I think the worst! It has gotten worse the last couple of weeks where I have panic attacks and just burst out crying. I have no physical symptoms of these attacks, I just know I feel really bad and I have uncontrollable tears. I went to see my University therapist today who talked some things through with me. He just asked general questions to try and come up with the root of the problem. It did help, he made me realise I'm not going insane and it's perfectly normal to think like this, as some people do, they just don't admit to it, or it doesn't get to this extreme. I have seen my grandad, grandma and dad all die and I'm petrifyed of also getting the diseases they died of. My grandad is also ill and is expected to die in the next few months. I get a headache and I think that I have a brain tumour, or something equally as bad! I want these thoughts to go away as this isn't like me at all. I want to go back to feeling normal and leading a happy lifestyle! The therapist told me things to try in the short term, but told me that in the long term Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is something I should seriously consider. Can anybody help me with this with treatment or similar stories?

05-10-2012, 04:33 PM
im sorry i cant help you with how to get over it as i am currently going through the same and i have no idea. but i think maybe finding someone who is going through the same thing to talk to and support is a good idea and maybe when you are getting paranoid instead of googling your symptons come and here and talk your anxiety through, i know its easier said than done. i always think my headaches are brain tumours and i break down cause i believe i have cancer. i dont know my reasons but i know that anxiety isnt treated seriously. my doctor said there was nothing he could do, so basically i have to go through this worrying and hell hole by myself, so that why i have found this forum so it can help and im not alone. i would look into therapy but being young i have not got the money and my doctor not caring hasnt refered me to see one like i know he can do. so im starting to try and help other people so maybe it will help myself and i think thats the best i can do, but if you need therapy and its on offer i would definatly try it would help alot as will speaking to other people who go through it :)

05-10-2012, 08:24 PM
Hello.. I am 21 and about to graduate from University. I have always lived a normal, happy life and not let much bother me in general. Recently I have been getting bad spells of what I think is Anxiety. I have felt low for around 4-5 months now, where I think I'm going to die or some horrible disease (whether it be cancer, brain tumor, blood clot) and then I start to search on the internet if I get certain symptoms, then I think the worst! It has gotten worse the last couple of weeks where I have panic attacks and just burst out crying. I have no physical symptoms of these attacks, I just know I feel really bad and I have uncontrollable tears. I went to see my University therapist today who talked some things through with me. He just asked general questions to try and come up with the root of the problem. It did help, he made me realise I'm not going insane and it's perfectly normal to think like this, as some people do, they just don't admit to it, or it doesn't get to this extreme. I have seen my grandad, grandma and dad all die and I'm petrifyed of also getting the diseases they died of. My grandad is also ill and is expected to die in the next few months. I get a headache and I think that I have a brain tumour, or something equally as bad! I want these thoughts to go away as this isn't like me at all. I want to go back to feeling normal and leading a happy lifestyle! The therapist told me things to try in the short term, but told me that in the long term Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is something I should seriously consider. Can anybody help me with this with treatment or similar stories?

Ive experienced everything youve said. I feel like im going crazy. I even went and got a ct scan to try and ease my mind. It came back negative but the thoughts still find their way into my mind. Reading your post and others has helped just knowing that other people are going through the same thing. It makes me feel less crazy. I wish i could go back to when i never had a thought like this but its seeming more and more unlikely. I cant remember the last time i got through a day without freaking out. I have to keep myself busy the majority of the time so i dont drive myself crazy. If you have found a solution or anyway of getting back to normalcy gradually i would like to hear it.

05-11-2012, 12:22 AM
Rule One of having anxiety is DO NOT GOOGLE OR RESEARCH SYMPTOMS. It will only freak you out and make you more anxious.

Anxiety can cause a TON of symptoms. All totally harmless but uncomfortable and scary. You have to learn to TRUST your doctors, realize there is nothing wrong with you. If anything, use it to motivate yourself to eat healthy and exercise.

Jen Victoria Macdonald
05-11-2012, 03:27 AM
Yes that is one thing he said. I have been given a structure to my day in the hope it will stop me feeling so down. Exercise and healthy eating is one of the main things he said that will bring my endorphenes up. I'm on 21, I feel too young to feel like this, but nothing is shifting this feeling :( I'm constantly checking myself. I have had what the doctors think is tendonitis, so my arm is quite sore and I am on strong Ibuprofen for it, yet I can't help thinking it's a blood clot or something similar. I even went to the extreme of thinking I had breast cancer last night and it's spread down my arm.. I checked myself about 20-30 in different positions thinking that I may have lumps and burst out crying.. there's nothing there! This is making me feel so crazy :( I am on the contraceptive pill Dianette which is known to have depression and anixety symptoms (in some cases women have been suicidal), so that may be a factor. I'm thinking of bringing myself off it as I have only felt like this since I've been on it! I have it for my spots, but I'd rather have spots than feel like this..

05-11-2012, 01:34 PM
Bhamlaxy is spot on with rule #1. I used to live on webmd searching my symptoms. I would usually find what I was looking for, but it's all the extra stuff that is published that didn't particularly apply to me that stuck in my mind. Within the next few days, guess what? I would have those symptoms too! It's a big nasty cycle but it can be broken. It's just going to take time and some mental reconditioning. We have to retrain ourselves to the way we react to situations. It can be done. I've been working on this concept for myself for nearly a year. I still get the occasional anxiety and panic attack, but they are far less intense and much shorter in duration now.

You can do this! Try to stay positive, breathe deep slow breaths, go for a walk and smell the roses! Don't let life pass you by while you wait for a resolution. That's what I did for a long time and I nearly lost my family as a result. Continue to be active and when you do feel something coming on, don't freak out or think about what you're feeling. Just try to put it in the back of your mind and continue with what you are doing.

05-11-2012, 01:52 PM
Rule One of having anxiety is DO NOT GOOGLE OR RESEARCH SYMPTOMS. It will only freak you out and make you more anxious.

Anxiety can cause a TON of symptoms. All totally harmless but uncomfortable and scary. You have to learn to TRUST your doctors, realize there is nothing wrong with you. If anything, use it to motivate yourself to eat healthy and exercise.

Great advice. Keep in mind, if there is something you're trying to find, you'll find it on the internet one way or another. Leave medical advice to the doctors, not strangers who don't have a degree in medicine. :)

Jen Victoria Macdonald
05-11-2012, 04:41 PM
Thank you everybody. Tonight the anxiety came back and I had uncontrollable tingling in my left hand. I kept searching again and getting really really worried. I had to physically stop myself and remove myself from the computer. I decided to ring NHS direct to ask advice on these symptoms I'm feeling.. and what did the nurse say straight away.. "do you suffer from anxiety at all?" it just proves that what I'm feeling is all in my head as they come and go and my feelings change. One minute I'm fine, the next I get an overwhelming feeling that something is seriously wrong.. and now I'm fine again! Tomorrow is the start of something new for me, I'm going to set my alarm, get up and go for a run.. try to clear my head! This isn't going to defeat me. Thank you for your replies and comments you've all reassured me that I'm not going crazy!