View Full Version : think im losing my mind

05-10-2012, 03:30 AM
I have being suffering from bad anxiety. I feel so alone. First it started off with having symptoms like heart palpitations, any pretty much a lot of the symptoms. Then when the symptoms left me then I started to get so depressed really depressed that I think Im losing my mine, I get mental images, Im crying a lot of the time, Im moody like I fly off the handle with my husband , one minuet im OK the next im so angry. Im worrying all the time. I don't give a dam about anything. Thoughts that reply over and over again. Im afraid that im losing it. Im totally not focused my husband would be talking to be and id be in a trance. Im constantly arguing with him 24 7 im more worried about the mental images than anything there stupid ones really stupid like pic of different people say if i say one in TV. I don't know please some one tell me im not going mad. Im 26 years of age i really don't need this.

05-10-2012, 04:00 AM
Hey Kev thanks, I have just started counseling that's it really. thanks for listening.

05-10-2012, 04:36 AM
ah did meditation before didn't work at all. ill have a look online, thanks.

05-10-2012, 04:46 AM
I find it very hard to distract my self as im unemployed, i try my best. I no where ur coming from with the meditation I did it for a year it didn't work . thank you :)

05-10-2012, 04:53 AM
You are not losing your mind now and you never will. So you can forget about that. It just isn't going to happen. Just try and let all this bullshit pass over you and don't give it power. Don't add fear to the fear that's already there. Just let it pass.

05-10-2012, 05:03 AM
thanks you panic cured , sometimes it scary, yes I try and let it pass but sometimes it not as easy as it seems :( thank you for your comment.

05-10-2012, 05:16 AM
It's hard for me to meditate because I have anxiety about it not working. I feel like I can never completely relax

05-10-2012, 06:31 AM
You have high acute anxiety(which is very high distress......not insanity). You need to get medical attention and counseling. Drop caffeine and TV as they stumilate. Alankay.

05-10-2012, 06:34 AM
thanks, im defo not taking medication. I will defo DROP CAFFEINE. Thanks for telling me this.

05-10-2012, 06:56 AM
Hey there I've been feeling the same way and agree with alankay, it is high distress we

05-10-2012, 07:00 AM
Hey there I've been feeling the same way and agree with alankay, it is high distress we

Sorry new to phone- any way I'm the same age and have had a few dramas in the last year or so. It is high distress we just want to do our best but feel overwhelmed with what we have to do to get there or have no confidence in order to get there.
What people have been saying to me is there is a reason for the attacks it's trying to give us a message that we need to find a smarter better way in doing what we need, want to do
Hope this helps

05-11-2012, 02:17 AM
thanks emgold for your comments, I hope i can get through this

05-11-2012, 01:57 PM
Have you tried keeping a journal and documenting the details of what was happening around you when the symptoms came on? What were you doing, what were you thinking about, where were you, what was around you, who was with you, what had you eaten earlier in the day? What medications are you taking, over the counter and prescribed?

A lot of times, our symptoms can be caused by triggers that are taken for granted in our lives. Also, it will help to have this information with you if you decide to seek professional help or see a doctor for medications to help ease the attacks.

05-12-2012, 11:31 PM
Larmer, I'm sorry you are having troubles with your husband. Anxiety/depression makes you feel so lost and alone. I am 26 years old, too and am married, have two little girls. I deal with health anxiety every single day of my life and it is maddening! I'm so afraid I am ill and will die prematurely. Anxiety will not make you go crazy, though it feels like it will at times. Check out the post they have on the General Discussion main page and find the post on Anxiety Symptoms- The list. It has helped me to realize what anxiety can do to your physical and mental state. It's a devil of a problem, and I know how you feel. PM me anytime you like. You are never really alone in this!

05-13-2012, 10:17 AM
thank you Rgib95 and Meggieliz, your comment were ever so helpful, much appriciated thanks :)