View Full Version : severe heart flutter

05-09-2012, 04:42 PM
okay i'm really freaking out right now.
i'm on the road to recovery at the moment in regards to my anxiety disorder (which i've had for 4 years) but i felt anxious about an hour ago because of a show i'm doing next week and it makes me nervous to perform on stage. And so i was feeling anxious and about half an hour ago i had a severe heart flutter. It lastes for about 10 seconds and i kept having the urge to cough like i could feel my heart beating irregularly and then when it stopped my chest started hurting and my heart was racing soooo fast. I feel fine now but just really scared. is it atrial fibrillation? I also got my period today, could it be cause of that too? Gonna go to hospital tomorrow morning.
anyone else had this? is it cause of anxiety or what? :( help!

05-09-2012, 05:38 PM
Atrial fibrillation is associated with palpitations, and palpitations can be a symptom of anxiety; I had this a few months ago but I wasn't suffering from anxiety then, I too went for an ECG but it was fine. It can be hard to detect an atrial fibrillation as u have to monitor it at the time of it occuring which is hard unless you constantly wear a heart/ecg monitor. Going on the stage in front of people would be anxiety-inducing for anyone, but what you have to realise is that you have the ability and talent to be considered for such a role, which is deffo a positive thought to hold on to.